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Good description helps locate missing pets

Long, dark straight hair or curly, short light hair? Not sure? A boy or a girl? How much did they weigh? Were there any recognizable features? Which way did they go? You get the point. Can you paint the picture? All of these questions are important, especially when we’re looking for a family member or a best friend.

Whether you own a big dog, small dog, cat or other animal, you should know Boulder City Animal Control officers are here to provide support, information and assistance regarding our furry friends.

Boulder City code provides specific information relating to animal welfare and control.

As we leap forward into spring we just wanted to remind you to have your pets vaccinated, if needed. Make sure the pups and kitties have plenty of food and water if they’re going to be outside for any length of time. Also, the city requires dogs and cats to have a license.

One last thing, if you find someone’s pet, Facebook is a wonderful communication medium, but don’t forget to call the Boulder City Animal Control office and let them know. Animal control knows most of the animals’ owners.

Are you ready? “Control, 269, I’ll be 10-8 with my trainee.”

March 2. Dispatch receives calls regarding the theft of an airplane. Can you repeat that? Officers respond to the Boulder City Airport and make contact with the would-be pilot after he lands. The subject is arrested. The case is under investigation.

March 3. A driver comes into town a bit too fast. The light doesn’t slow the driver down. However, the blue and red lights act like a vehicle freeze tag. The driver is contacted and the officer learns driving privileges were suspended. Now, the subject will be heading out of town, but not in the car the subject was driving.

March 4. A caller reports a subject is walking near Del Prado Drive. It appears the man is failing to keep down the food and liquids he ingested. It appears it may be because of a lack of intestinal fortitude or alcohol. Well, he must have made it home before or became part of the bush; officers could not locate him.

March 5. Officers are flagged down at Sudz Laundry regarding a male and female arguing. Officers separate the two individuals, and determine there is no domestic battery. It was just a verbal argument. I wonder if it was about laundry detergent.

March 6. Officers are dispatched to the area of Avenue K regarding a female calling for a “safe house.” Officers arrive, find a female with several fresh bruises to her face, arm and abdomen. The boyfriend made his escape. Interestingly, he decided to use a Regional Transportation Commission bus as his getaway vehicle. Officers are able to catch the bus and place the subject under arrest without incident. Really, how far did he think he was going to get on public transportation?

March 7. An officer on patrol in the area of Sinclair sees a subject taking the “stance” near the car wash. The stance is a common standing method used by men while urinating. Can you believe it? The officer pulls up and arrests the subject without incident. Why did you do it? His response, “I don’t know.” We know one thing, Henderson Detention has beds.

March 8. Officers are dispatched to a vehicle fire on U.S. Highway 93, on the southbound on-ramp. By the time officers arrive, the car is fully engulfed. Thank goodness the occupants were out of the vehicle. According to the driver, the rental vehicle’s “trunk open light” came on. He stopped to check the trunk and realized flames were coming out of the trunk. Both occupants were able to remove their belongings. The Boulder City Fire Department arrives quickly and safely extinguish the fire. The 2014 Chevy Impala is toast, but not the golf clubs.

While driving on patrol, from one call to the next, I couldn’t help but think how fortunate we are to live in Boulder City. I know we have some issues, but at the end of each day, we live in one heck of an awesome city. Keep it real Boulder City.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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