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Founders’ principles still treasured

Happy Birthday, America! Our Founding Fathers’ profound writings have stood the test of time. If you remember civics, history or American government classes, then you read (or memorized) the preamble to the United States Constitution:

“We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

When I contemplate the above axiom I wonder, do we really appreciate these enduring expansive words? You see, it’s about us living together and getting along with each other, following the rules, guaranteeing a safe society, contributing to a common coolness, while helping one another. It seems pretty simple.

So, next time you’re waiting in a line at one of our nation’s superstores and a frustration comes over you, I want you to be thankful for this “perfect Union” that provides you an opportunity to be there.

The next time you get frustrated about being pulled over by the police or us showing up at your house, I want you to be thankful for “domestic Tranquility” and promoting “the general welfare.”

Finally, when a grievance or feeling of resentment comes over you about our country, I want you to thankful to those individuals who “provide for the common defence.”

“All right, let’s get moving. Control, 269, 10-8 in-service.”

June 22. Officers respond to the homes near the Boulder City pool, regarding a domestic disturbance. After interviewing the couple, who were both injured, officers arrest the primary aggressor. A contributing factor could have been the accelerant known as ethanol (aka alcohol).

June 23. A homeowner off Avenue A calls regarding a known and admitted methamphetamine user who is in the home and refuses to leave. We contact the subject and learn the Metropolitan Police Department in Las Vegas has a warrant for the wanted felon. A search incident to arrest of the subject finds methamphetamine in his possession. Off he goes to Clark County Detention Center.

June 24. An officer gets dispatched to the dry lake bed regarding a subject walking on the side of the highway. The officer arrives and can’t believe his eyes. The male subject has a pair of socks on and is holding a box around his waist area, that’s all. The story goes like this: His girlfriend and he got in an argument on the romantic dry lake bed. She drove off, with all his clothes and left Mr. Box there. Officers give him a courtesy ride home and learn the woman who answered the door wasn’t the woman who drove off.

June 25. A subject calls and advises he had just been punched. We arrive at a home across from Taco Bell. The severely intoxicated subject reports a person came up to him, for no reason, and punched him in the face. Mr. Slurred Speech only knows the alleged assailant’s first name. Officer advises him to call us once he is sober so we can get the real story. The following day, the intoxicated (again) subject calls and refuses to file a report.

June 26. Officers spot a car heading toward Henderson. The problem is the driver is being challenged to keep the vehicle in between the lines. We finally get the driver to pull over at Railroad Pass. The approach is made and the observations, well, let’s just say the plastered look is a giveaway. After standardized field sobriety tests, the severely sloshed subject is arrested for DUI.

June 27. We are summoned to Wells Fargo regarding a female causing havoc inside the bank. After a check of the subject, we learn she has a misdemeanor warrant for drugs and two felony warrants involving illegal narcotics.

June 28. We get a call in reference to subjects in a motel room who had been previously trespassed from the location. We arrive at the room, but they refuse to answer. They must have forgotten we can get the key. The three subjects are arrested. Two go to Henderson Detention Center. The other in-custody claims to be having a seizure. This one gets transported to Boulder City Hospital. After four hours of testing, no medical condition is diagnosed. We pick up the registered felon, and whisk that one off to Clark County Detention Center.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 11-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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