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Failure to ‘move over’ spurs fatality, congestion

Last Thursday, many Boulder City residents were delayed getting to town on U.S. Highway 95/93 from Henderson. A fatal collision involving three vehicles left one driver dead and shut down the highway for a couple hours.

Preliminary reports appear to indicate the at-fault driver, who was pronounced dead at the scene, failed to follow Nevada’s “Move over law.” Apparently, there was a tow truck with its emergency lights on assisting a disabled motorist on the highway at Horizon Drive. According to initial reports, the driver drifted over into the emergency lane, rear-ending the tow truck. After striking the tow truck, the vehicle bounced off and struck another vehicle driving southbound on the highway.

This tragedy illustrates why Nevada Revised Statue 484B.607 exists. I really do not want to paraphrase the statue, but basically if drivers are approaching an authorized emergency vehicle, they must slow down and move over to a non-adjacent lane, unless it is unsafe or impossible. If you have any questions or need clarification on the law, please consult the state law or come by Boulder City Police Department. Think, at 60 mph, you’re traveling 90 feet per second. How quick is your reaction time?

The job of emergency personnel is dangerous enough. I can’t tell you how often I see drivers failing to adhere to this particular law. So far this year, according to the Officer Down Memorial page, three police officers have been killed by vehicles failing to move over. When will we realize everyone’s safety is at stake here? Do you want to be the reason we have to shut down the highway to conduct a fatal traffic collision investigation? It takes less time to move over than it does to appear in court or, worse, not making it home.

Please, if you’re operating a vehicle and approaching emergency vehicles with flashing lights, move over. A life might depend on it. Drive safe Boulder City.

All right my peeps, let’s roll.

“Control, 269, we’ll be 10-8.”

June 9, a caretaker at 10:30 p.m. calls police to report someone stole mom’s purse. Apparently, mom left her purse on the bench in front of Vons at about 8:30 p.m. It’s sad that a person couldn’t have just turned the purse in to Vons. Thieves and crimes are mostly about opportunity. Guess an evildoer needed the purse more than the aged mother. Just remember, what goes around, comes around.

On June 10, a driver reports his truck was acting up while driving down to Lake Mead. The truck appears to have run normal on the way back up the hill. The owner parks the truck, but smells smoke. Before you know it, the truck is engulfed in flames. Thank goodness no one was hurt.

June 11, an annoyed victim calls to report a grandson, who is trespassed from their home near Medical Park Drive, is at the house. Somehow, somewhere, someone believes the trespasser is taking a shower at the house. Officers arrive and determine the call is unfounded. Lucky for the grandson, cause we know of a neat hotel room, with bunk beds.

On June 12, police and fire respond to Pacifica and U.S. 93 regarding a 38-year-old male subject falling off a long board. The subject sustains head and face injuries that require immediate attention so, the air ambulance is requested. The fire department transports the subject to Boulder City Hospital, and then he’s airlifted to University Medical Center in Las Vegas. It appears the subject was wearing safety gear.

June 13, officers get dispatched to the Nevada Inn regarding someone breaking a window. Officers are told a known subject, who is trespassed from the location, broke a window in a room. The female is gone now, but a request for an arrest warrant is submitted to the judge. You can run but not hide.

On June 14, officers are on high alert regarding a June 12 report of a possible volatile situation developing in Boulder City. Officer’s morning investigation establishes an open line of communication with family members. At about 9 a.m., we receive information regarding a possible shooting will occur at McDonald’s. Officers arrive and immediately locate the alleged subjects. Their resistance is futile. Officers are able to safely take all the subjects into custody before any loss of life. The case is still under investigation.

June 15, a beautiful day for Lake Mead. As the boats and wave-runners make the journey to fun in the sun on the lake, one water enthusiast isn’t so lucky. As the driver tows his new Yamaha wave-runner southbound on 93 it gets “uncoupled” from the vehicle. As the vehicle slows, the trailer fishtails and the wave-runner flies off the trailer. Wave-runners are great in the water, but don’t do so well on land. The wave-runner was loaded back onto the trailer, piece by piece. Thankfully no one was hurt.

Wow! I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. One reminder in the form of a question; What don’t we want to bring or see at the Fourth of July parade this year? You know the answer. Come on. Right! NO water balloons. See ya next week!

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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