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Crime does not take a holiday

Welcome. 2014 is off to a fast start. In the first few days of the new year, I learned crime was not on holiday. It’s definitely apparent that poor decision making is the foundation of our job security.

By in large, more than 90 percent of the public adheres to the laws of the land. Unfortunately for the public, but fortunately for us, it’s the other 10 percent keeping us busy.

A colleague shared a profound insight regarding human behavior. This colleague spoke of watching a documentary-type show on street gangs. He went on to tell me how members of these groups elect to use specific hand signs or body gestures to represent affiliation, respect or group-belief principles.

Their fingers and hands signs are contorted in such a manner they could make a plastic surgeon nervous regarding the procedure to fix or straighten such twisted body appendages. The permanent body markings will deteriorate into picket fences in the coming decades.

Why do these healthy, intelligent and “normal” people elect to partake in antiquated communication styles used by prehistoric ancestors? If an infant was born like this, parents would be soliciting a cure.

While criminal gang problems may not be a significant problem in Boulder City, we do, from time to time, have to be aware of their transitory presence in our town. Association with these groups, I imagine, provides a sense of belonging to its members. If these groups and their supporters adhere to the law, then all is well. But, if associates prefer to violate the status quo, then Boulder City’s uniformed membership crew will remind them tolerance is a matter of interpretation, and we use laws as our guide book.

Whether it’s hand gestures, a style of clothing, patches or an etched common belief, groups that do well are always desired. However, if a collection of people chooses to commit crime as part of their posse participation, our rule book and bestowed authority will be executed to restore order. The conduct modification system we employ ranges from a talk or a ticket, to an all-inclusive overnight stay at one of our local reformatories.

So what do you say? Let’s get moving! “Control, 269 I’ll be 10-8 in-service.”

Dec. 29. Officers respond to the area of New Mexico Street. Subject reports receiving a voice mail message from a known male threatening them. Apparently, “Lucky Lou” was going to bring a baseball bat to collect some money. Officers are out with the pinch hitter of Darlene Drive. It was all a misunderstanding because of a miscommunication. Lesson learned; don’t make rash statements.

Dec. 30. Caller reports giving a ride to an unknown male, who began punching him as he was driving. The unknown male gets dropped off at Red Mountain Plaza and gets into a silver BMW. Officer arrives, making contact with the victim. The victim is not too forthcoming and refuses any medical assistance. The officer takes a battery report, but I’m sure there’s more to the story.

Dec. 31. The parties have begun. Almost everyone is having a good time. We get a call alleging underage drinking at the apartments off Capri Drive. Officers respond, make contact with some intoxicated teenagers in front of an apartment.

The subjects in the apartment refuse to open the door after cursing at officers. Officers are positive criminal behavior is afoot. So, after knocking again and being refused again, a search warrant is obtained. Knock, knock, kick the door down in. No party bus needed — just a jail transport bus.

Jan. 1. We get a call of an accident at the Boulder City Municipal Airport. A helicopter has crashed. After arriving, we learn everyone is out of the chopper and no one is hurt. We find the chopper on its side leaking fuel just off the runway. Boulder City Fire Department arrives and makes the scene safe.

Jan. 2. Officers get dispatched to Albertsons regarding some alleged drug use. Officers make contact with a female, who was in the bathroom “shooting up heroin.” Not only that, the female had active Boulder City warrants. Not a good way to start the year.

Jan. 3. Officers stop a car for speeding. Something just isn’t right. Officers investigate and learn the convicted drug trafficking felon has been out of prison for three years. Our K-9 is deployed and he gives a positive response. A search locates drug paraphernalia and a hand gun in the glove box. After placing the convicted felon under arrest, officers find almost one ounce of heroin in the subject’s front pocket in addition to a quarter of an ounce of methamphetamine. We probably won’t be seeing that guy again for a long time.

Jan. 4. Officer sees a vehicle with the entire front windshield tinted. Oh no, that’s illegal. The nervous driver says they always get very nervous when stopped by police. I wonder why? I’ll tell you why. Because after a check of the driver’s license, the officer learns the driver has a revoked driver’s license for driving under the influence. I’d be nervous too, especially after a $1,200 ticket and my car being towed.

I hope everyone has a good and safe year. See everyone next week! Keep it real Boulder City!

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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