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Burglary suspects enter guilty pleas

Two local burglary suspects pleaded guilty to felony charges at a District Court arraignment March 13.

Alyssa Koligian, 39, pleaded guilty to three counts of burglary while Christopher Nolan, 28, pleaded guilty to one count of attempted burglary.

Both were ordered released from Clark County Detention Center, but must return to District Court for sentencing in July.

Along with her plea, Koligian admitted to burglarizing 11 residences and one business from Nov. 1 to Jan. 2.

The residential burglaries occurred on Esther Drive, Avenue H, Avenue B, Avenue D, Comanche Way, Date Street, Park Place, Capri Drive, Darlene Way, Elm Street and Ash Street, court record show.

Koligian also admitted to burglarizing Sherman’s House of Antiques, 1228 Arizona St.

She had been held at the Clark County Detention Center since her arrest by Boulder City Police Jan. 11 at the Nevada Inn, where she lived.

Upon hearing a description of the charges, Criminal Arraignment Master Melisa De La Garza questioned the district attorney’s decision to release Koligian on her own recognizance and told Koligian, “I would never release you if it was up to me.”

A prosecutor with the district attorney’s office said Koligian was being released to see if she would be on her best behavior.

She was originally charged with seven counts of burglary, but the district attorney agreed to drop the remaining counts at her July 7 sentencing, De La Garza said.

The court must sentence Koligian to one to 10 years in prison and may fine her as much as $30,000, De La Garza said.

A prosecutor with the district attorney’s office said it will not recommend a sentencing, but will retain the right to argue for restitution for the victims.

Koligian’s parents and son attended the hearing, but declined to comment.

Nolan’s charge is related to an incident that occurred at an Esther Drive residence late last year. Although he pleaded guilty to the felony, if Nolan meets unspecified probation requirements, the district attorney has agreed to reduce his charge to one count of conspiracy to commit burglary, a gross misdemeanor.

Nolan’s sentencing is scheduled for July 2 in District Court. The court must sentence Nolan to one to five years in prison, and he may be fined as much as $10,000, De La Garza said.

Nolan has been in custody at the detention center since his arrest by Boulder City Police on Feb. 9.

Police said they were led to Nolan through the investigation of Koligian.

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