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Animal control busy helping protect pets

Meow! Woof, woof. Fido, come here! Honey, stop calling me that. We all love our pets.

Boulder City Animal Control is here to help us love our pets. The Animal Control Division is staffed by two full-time officers.

Our officers have their work cut out for them. They have to manage and clean the kennels, feed the animals, answer calls for service, protect the sheep, set animal traps, enforce laws, adopt animals, assist the animal hospital and complete training.

Wow! Busy is an understatement.

Animal Control Supervisor Mary Jo Frazier has been helping the Boulder City residents for more than 17 years. The newest addition to the staff is officer Ruth Ann Inabnitt. Although she may be new to town, she’s no stranger to the animal world.

Before coming to Boulder City, she was an animal research compliance officer with Indiana State University for 12 years.

Although animal care and education are the primary focuses of the Animal Control Division, enforcement of animal control laws is needed at times. No one likes getting a ticket, but owning animals doesn’t come without responsibility. Please, make sure you follow the laws and ordinances applicable to animal ownership.

Whatever animal you own, contact our animal control office if you have any questions. If you’re looking for a pet, come check out the kennel, we have some beautiful pets looking for good a home. Remember, as Bob Barker used to say, “Spay or neuter your pet.”

Control, 269 , Come on down; you’re next on the BC ride-along. Let’s role!

On Sept. 1, choo choo, officer sees a strange sight. It’s early in the morning and the train is coming around the mountain. The Nevada Railroad Museum is closed, but that doesn’t stop the museum volunteer from living out a childhood memory. The volunteer decided to make himself a conductor for a few minutes. The temporary conductor quickly learned the tracks ran nowhere. I wonder, did Jesse James put them up to this?

Sept. 2, an older juvenile is reported missing. Officers search the area of the Cherry Lynn Apartments. They find the juvenile hanging out with an adult. The juvenile has made a few poor decisions, and is arrested for possession of narcotics paraphernalia. The adult is arrested for child endangerment. Please, make sure you know who your kids are hanging out with.

On Sept. 4, a local, no stranger to Boulder City police, is walking in the street. Officers make contact and realize an old friend by the alias name of “Canned Heat” has been ingested. The subject will get some time to sober up at the Big House.

Sept. 5, officers are sent to the water treatment facility. Quail season is in. Hunting fowl is a serous sport, but so is riding dirt bikes. The hunters complain the riders are scaring the birds. The hunters ask the dirt bike rider be told to leave. However, the officers inform the hunters there’s nothing illegal about the riders. Elmer Fudd was nowhere to be found. Thank goodness for the riders.

On Sept. 6, officers are dispatched to the area of the Boulder City Municipal Golf Course regarding a vehicle burglary. We learn two juveniles burglarized several homes in the area. The juveniles are located and arrested. What the heck! This isn’t a video game. Not a good way to start the school year.

Sept. 7, we get dispatched to the area of Red Mountain Drive regarding someone riding a dirt bike in the area. The rider is not 1,000 feet away homes. As officers arrive, the rider tries to hide the dirt bike in a yard. Officers not only arrest the subject, they impound the dirt bike as evidence. Overcome temptations to break laws.

I’d like to share the following thought with you: If you don’t want to meet with Boulder City Police Department on a regular basis, then don’t break the law. The police don’t create the laws, we just enforce them.

Hey BC! Keep it real. Be safe and let’s take care of our families. That means our neighbors too. See you next week.

Officer Jeffrey Grasso is a 10-year veteran of the Boulder City Police Department. He previously served as a police officer in south Florida for four years.

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