Boulder City Council met in a special session Tuesday to hear presentations from the city manager, city attorney and city clerk and then to issue official performance reviews.
City Government
The water authority presented four options to the council for the city to recycle its water to reduce consumptive use.
Boulder City Review issues a correction for an error published in the March 9 edition of the newspaper.
With a goal to “recycle, repurpose, renew,” the annual Big Clean event will return to Boulder City on March 25.
A settlement for $165,000 for former City Clerk Lorene Krumm was approved by City Council during its Tuesday, Feb. 28, meeting.
In a 3-2 vote, the City Council declined Tuesday, Feb. 28, to move forward with direct negotiations with the developer for a proposed luxury recreational vehicle resort on 76 acres of land sandwiched between the airport and Boulder Creek Golf Club.
Boulder City Fire Department has received accredited agency status with the Commission on Fire Accreditation International.
Boulder City Fire Chief William Gray was recently recognized by a national organization for his efforts in accreditation and credentialing.
The city-owned pool is a popular facility, serving nearly 28,000 patrons each year. It is also old and in need of repair.
A 60-day stay has been issued by the Nevada Supreme Court in the lawsuit filed by the former city attorney and city manager against the city and a former mayor and council member.
The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the final map for a proposed subdivision of 5.35 vacant acres into 15 residential lots during its meeting Feb. 15.
The City Council voted unanimously Tuesday, Feb. 14, to begin the process of annexing some 2,550 acres of land in the Eldorado Valley. The vote sets up a process that will continue with the council hearing public comment at its meeting scheduled for March 28.
Most Boulder City residents own pets and a substantial majority describe their furry companions as members of the family. But when it comes to bearing the costs for interment of remains after a pet dies, their enthusiasm wanes considerably.
The City Council intends to begin the process for the possible annexation of a large tract of land just west of the current city limits during its meeting scheduled for Tuesday.
Boulder City released data on how much of the American Rescue Plan Act funding has been spent and what it plans to do with the rest.