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Pet of the Week

Spring Story Time has arrived at the Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd. Every Wednesday during May is preschool story time for ages 2-5 from 10-10:30 a.m., followed by toddler story time from 10:30-11 a.m. for youngsters 36 months and younger.

Both sessions are in the library board room. Call Kimberly Diehm, youth services librarian, at 293-1281 for more information.

Heatwave swim team class registration under way

The Boulder City Henderson Heatwave summer league swim team invites youth ages 6 and older to learn the four competitive strokes from June 10 to Aug. 8, Monday through Thursday, 6-7 p.m. at the Boulder City pool, 861 Avenue B. Call 293-9286 or stop by to register.

Homestead to hold workshops, support groups

The Homestead announces a series of eight workshops aimed at educating the public on aging, Alzheimer’s and dementia. The workshops will be led by Mary Shapiro, gerontologist and author. All workshops take place at 10 a.m. on the third Thursday of the month at The Homestead, 1401 Medical Park Drive. The May 16 topic is “Getting Your Legal Ducks in a Row.”

The Alzheimer’s Support Group meets at 11:30 a.m., followed by the Memory Loss Support Group at 1 p.m.

All workshops and support groups are free.

NCPC meeting today at library

The Nevada Communities Prevention Coalition will meet today at the library, 701 Adams Blvd. Please call 339-9082 for more information.

The coalition is a collaborative effort to create supportive, healthy, drug-free youth, families and neighborhoods in rural Clark County.

Republican women meet today at Railroad Pass

To hear local Republican speakers discuss issues of the day, attend the third Thursday lunch of the local Republican Women’s Club at Railroad Pass banquet room beginning at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $20 and covers tax and tip. RSVP at 393-1228 or email bcgop@yahoo.com to reserve spot.

The May 16 speaker will be radio veteran and Nevada native Heidi Harris, who speaks regularly as a commentator on MSNBC and Fox News Channel.

Summer job seminar for high school students set

The Boulder City Community Education Advisory Board is sponsoring a free summer job seminar for local high school students today at 6:30 p.m. in the high school library’s large meeting room. Tips for resume writing, interview preparation, how to pick up and drop off an application, and proper follow-up will be covered. Students who bring a draft or current resume will receive a free resume review.

To reserve a spot, or if you have questions, email CEAB President Roxanne Dey at BCCEAB@gmail.com.

Columnist to give museum’s Third Thursday talk

Author and Boulder City Review columnist Carolyn Schneider will be the Boulder City/Hoover Dam guest speaker today at 6 p.m. She will discuss her book, “Bing: On the Road to Elko,” about her uncle, Bing Crosby, and his 15 years as a Nevada cattle rancher. The event is in the Segerblom Theater and is free to the public.

Nevada State Railroad Museum open weekends

For a larger-than life-train ride, bring the family to the Nevada State Railroad Museum, 600 Yucca St.

The train leaves the station at 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. each Saturday and Sunday. It’s “all aboard” 15 minutes before departure. Adult fare is $10, children 4 through 11 are $5 and 3 and younger are free.

Desert Trolls event Saturday

The Sons of Norway Desert Troll Lodge of Boulder City and Henderson will be holding its Syttende Mai celebration at 7 p.m. May 17 at Veterans Memorial Park at the gazebo near the splash park.

Lake Mead looks to set world record Saturday

Lake Mead National Recreation Area will hold a “Ready, Set, Wear It!” life jacket safety promotion at 11 a.m. May 18 at Las Vegas Boat Harbor, Katherine Landing, Cottonwood Cove and Meadview.

Visitors will put on their life jackets in an attempt to break the world’s record as part of the launch to Safe Boating Week in Southern Nevada and National Boating Week. Visitors with life jackets will be admitted to the park free between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Talent show on tap Saturday

The annual BC’s Got Talent show returns May 18 from 6-9 p.m. at the library amphitheater, 801 Adams Blvd. The event is free, open to the public and sponsored by Friends of the Arts and the Credit Union.

AAUW meetings third Monday of the month

Women of Boulder City are invited to stop in for a monthly meeting of the American Association of University Women at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of the month at the Boulder Dam Museum meeting room, second floor of the Boulder Dam Hotel, 1305 Arizona St. Member Laura Pyzer has been arranging some guest speakers discussing education, women’s health and more.

City Council special budget meeting Tuesday

The City Council will have its final city budget meeting Tuesday at 7 a.m. at the council chambers at City Hall, 401 California Ave.

RPEN meets fourth Thursday of month

Retired Public Employees of Nevada meet at 11 a.m. the fourth Thursday of the month at The Homestead of Boulder City, 1401 Medical Park Drive. Members go to lunch after each meeting at a different local restaurant.

Call Bernard at 294-0636 for further information. The May 23 speaker is the Public Employees Retirement System Ambassador Program representative Cheryl Price.

High school music department concert May 23

The Boulder City Music Department’s annual spring concert at the school auditorium May 23 at 6 p.m. There will be a performance by the choir, orchestra, percussion ensemble and symphonic band. Admission is free.

Poppy Days are back with Memorial Day weekend

The American Legion Auxiliary will be assisting the legion with poppy distribution at local businesses May 24, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. They will also be selling them at the Best Dam Barbecue May 25, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., starting with the flag-raising ceremony.

Legion Auxiliary seeking Memorial Day volunteers

The American Legion Auxiliary will be helping with the grave flag placing May 26, 2-5 p.m. at the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery, 1900 Buchanan Blvd. Volunteers please arrive at 2 p.m. The organization will also take part in the Memorial Day Ceremony on May 27, starting at 9 a.m. The flags will be gathered at 5 p.m. that day. Please call Linda Graham at 278-6603 for more information.

Country Store summer sale scheduled for June 1

Country Store’s summer sale will be held 7 a.m.-noon June 1 at Grace Community Church, 1150 Wyoming St. The sale will feature used housewares, linens and furniture. The church has sponsored the rummage sale for 65 years to raise money for church projects and missions.

Emergency Aid seeking energetic volunteers

Emergency Aid, 600 Nevada Highway, needs volunteers to work in the office and pantry. People skills are a necessity, but computer skills are not. Office volunteers work one or two mornings a week. Pantry workers can pick a few hours during the week.

Emergency Aid also is looking for people who have a truck and are willing to pick up deliveries to the pantry, or a pantry assistant to stock produce. Help also is needed checking in clients.

Office and pantry hours are 9 a.m. to noon. Call 293-0332 to make an appointment.

American Legion meets first Tuesday evening of month

Legionnaires and all eligible veterans are invited to the American Legion meeting at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at the American Legion Hall, 508 California Ave., between Boulder Bowl and Grace Church Academy. Call Cmdr. Wayne Curtis at 293-6222 for more information.

Dog park board meets twice monthly

The dog park’s board meets at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday at the library, 701 Adams Blvd.

VFW meets second Saturday

The local chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars meets the second Saturday of the month with lunch at 11:30 a.m. and the meeting at noon at the Senior Center, 813 Arizona St. Call Bob Garlow at 808-4755 for information.

Senior Center

Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday at 813 Arizona St., 702-293-3320. Visit the center’s website at www.seniorcenterbouldercity.org.

Briefs for Sept. 26

Library events scheduled throughout September

Briefs for Sept. 19

Library events scheduled throughout September

Pet of the Week

The summer reading program, “Dig Into Reading,” runs through Aug. 8. Call Kimberly Diehm, youth services librarian, at 293-1281 for more information. The Boulder City Library is at 701 Adams Blvd.

Briefs for July 25

The summer reading program, “Dig Into Reading,” runs through Aug. 8 Call Kimberly Diehm, youth services librarian, at 293-1281 for more information. The Boulder City Library is at 701 Adams Blvd.