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Community briefs for Sept. 12

The Boulder City Library is at 701 Adams Blvd.

September is National Library Card Sign-up Month. Stop in to get your first card or renew your current card.

n “Magic Tree House Bookclub: Tonight on the Titanic” will be discussed at 3:30 p.m. Friday in the board room. Ages 6-11.

n Library Board of Directors will meet 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesday.

n Email basics class exploring Google Gmail will be at 1:30 p.m. Sept. 19. The course will cover how to get an email address, how to send an email, replying and forwarding messages, attachments and other features of Gmail. Class is limited to five people.

n Family storytime for all ages returns at 7 p.m. Sept. 19 to the community room. There will be science, crafts, games, Legos and stories.

Blood drive today

United Blood Services will be holding a blood drive from 1 to 7 p.m. today at the LDS Chapel gymnasium, 916 Fifth St. All donors will receive a buy one, get one free ticket to the Fright Dome at Circus Circus.

Contact Lee McDonald at 702-795-8335 or visit www.unitedbloodservices.org and enter sponsor code “bouldercity” to schedule an appointment.

Democratic Club meets today

The Boulder City Democratic Club’s monthly meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. today at the library, 701 Adams Blvd. Members, guests and the public are invited. Speakers Elaine Hurd and Jay Simons will discuss how to submit articles to “Let’s Talk Nevada.” They will discuss how the site has given voice to citizens who want to talk directly to their elected officials and city leaders. Contact the club at 702-530-6604 or bouldercitydemocraticclub@gmail.com for more information.

Ranger Campground Program tomorrow

Join Ranger Ben at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 13 at the Boulder Beach Campground Amphitheater for “The Tale of the Threatened Tortoises,” to learn why the desert tortoise is a threatened species in the Mojave Desert, and what people can do to help the species survive.

Reservations are not required. Call 702-293-8990 for more information.

Fishing workshop Saturday

The Parks and Recreation Department is offering a fishing workshop from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Veterans Memorial Park Fishing Pond. The workshop is for ages 8 and up. There is a $40 fee.

The class includes bait and tackle with limited fishing rods. A Nevada fishing license is required at the time of this workshop for ages 12 and older, and for non-Nevada residents. Instructor Dustin Magruder will teach you knot tying, line rigging, baiting, casting and reeling in the big one. Today is the last day to register at the Recreation Center, 900 Arizona St., 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

For information, contact the Recreation Department at 702-293-9256.

All-day restoration workshop Saturday

The Historic Preservation Committee offers a daylong restoration workshop from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Elaine K. Smith Center, 700 Wyoming St. Speakers will discuss the challenges of restoring historical homes. Services and resources for preserving your home in a historical manner will be offered. Contact Chris Frausto at christina.frausto@gmail.com for more information.

Emergency Aid food drive Saturday

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Boulder City is conducting a food drive for Emergency Aid of Boulder City on Saturday. Last weekend, church members distributed orange plastic bags to residents, requesting that they be filled with nonperishable food items. Collection of filled bags will take place Saturday starting at 10 a.m. Residents are asked to place the filled orange bags in front of their homes, where they can easily be seen. Additional bags and/or boxes of nonperishable food are welcome. Emergency Aid of Boulder City is particularly in need of canned meats, soups, pasta, canned fruits and vegetables, hot and cold cereal, baby food, diapers and personal hygiene items. Glass items are discouraged.

Nevada State Railroad Museum open weekends

For a larger-than-life train ride, bring the family to the Nevada State Railroad Museum, 600 Yucca St. The train leaves the station at 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. each Saturday and Sunday.

It’s “all aboard” 15 minutes before departure. Adult fare is $10, children 4-11 are $5, and 3 and younger are free.

VFW meets Saturday

The local chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars meets the second Saturday of the month with lunch at 11:30 a.m. and the meeting at noon at the Senior Center, 813 Arizona St. Call Bob Garlow at 702-808-4755 for information.

Evening stroll Saturday at Railroad Tunnel Trail

Go on an easy three-mile ranger-guided moonlight stroll Saturday through the tunnels used during the construction of the Hoover Dam. Bring a flashlight. Call 702-293-8990 to register or for more information. Reservations are required for this free event. Dogs are not permitted.

Sewing group starts Monday

Hope Church, 850 Avenue B, is starting a sewing group at 6:30 p.m. Mondays. Everyone is invited to bring their machine, sewing notions or any unfinished projects. The group will be led by Corrine Bailey and Kay Bacon. There is no cost. Contact carwentz@gmail.com. for more information.

Red Mountain Choir practices Wednesday

Red Mountain Choir will have weekly rehearsals for its fall show at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the LA Water & Power Building, 600 Nevada Way. The concert, “Shall We Dance,” will take place Nov. 22-23. Weekly rehearsals for the choir’s Christmas concert will be 3:45-5 p.m. Wednesdays in the LA Water & Power Building. The concert, “’Tis the Season,” will be Dec. 14.

All who enjoy singing are invited to participate in this nonauditioned adult choir. Email redmountainmusic@embarqmail.com or call Rose at 702-293-5455 to join.

American Legion breakfast served Thursday mornings

All veterans and their families are invited to the American Legion’s varied menu breakfast from 7-9 a.m. Thursdays at the American Legion Hall, 508 California Way, between Boulder Bowl and Grace Church Academy.

Legionnaires and eligible veterans are invited to the American Legion meeting at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month at the hall. Call Cmdr. Wayne Curtis at 702-293-6622 for more information.

Lend A Hand training volunteers Oct. 15

Lend A Hand is having a volunteering training class Oct. 15 at 9 a.m at the Lend A Hand office, at 400 Utah Street. Please call 294-2363 for information on the class. Lend A Hand helps seniors, disabled and handicapped residents of Boulder City, driving them to appointments all over the Las Vegas Valley and providing help, respite and companionship for them to help them remain in their homes. Volunteers are needed to provide these services to our community.

RPEN meeting Sept. 19

The Boulder City Chapter of the Retired Public Employees of Nevada will hold a membership meeting Sept. 19 at 11 a.m. at The Homestead of Boulder City, 1401 Medical Park Drive. City Manager Dave Fraser will be the guest speaker. Each month lunch after the meeting at a local Boulder City restaurant. For questions or suggestions for lunch, contact Joan at rpen_jgreenberg@yahoo.com or call Bernard at 294-0636.


The Nevada Community Prevention Coalition meets at 11 a.m. Sept. 19 at the library, 901 Adams Blvd. Guest speaker will be Mark Linsenbardt, senior facilitator for Reset Your Life, a nonprofit organization giving teens and their parents the opportunity to look at where their present actions and attitudes are taking them. Discussion will also take place on the next steps Boulder City individuals and groups can take to support a healthy, drug-free and violence-free community. Call 702-339-9082 for more information.


Boulder City Republican Women will meet at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 19 at Railroad Pass Conference Room. Cresent Hardy, Nevada District 19 assemblyman and minority floor leader, will speak on actions taken at the recent legislative sessions. Cost of the luncheon meeting is $20, and all interested persons are invited. To insure seating, please call 393-1228 by Sept. 14 or email bcgop@yahoo.com.


Artist Audrey Fox will host a workshop on “How to Market Your Art” 1-4 p.m. Sept. 22 in the Boulder Dam Hotel conference room, 1305 Arizona St. Learn how to find calls for art, grants and funding sources, create a professional biography, assemble a public relations packet and promote your art online. Event sponsored by the Boulder City Art Guild and Gallery. Call Chris at 501-9219 or email at thecornergallerybc@gmail.com.


The Homestead announces a series of free workshops aimed at educating the public on aging, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The workshops will be led by Mary Shapiro, gerontologist and author. All workshops take place at 10 a.m. on the third Thursday of the month at The Homestead, 1401 Medical Park Drive. The topic Sept. 19 will be “Caregiver Stress Warning Signs.”

The Alzheimer’s Support Group meets at 11:30 a.m., followed by the Memory Loss Support Group at 1 p.m.


The Boulder City Sunrise Rotary Club is requesting donations of auction items to help fund the annual High School Senior All-Night Graduation Party. Seeking a car, motorcycle, boat or ATV that you could part with, for a tax deductible donation, and have the money go to the party? Auction items will be featured in a silent and live auction Sept. 28 at the Wurstfest at Bicentennial Park. For more information, contact 373-3745 or visit www.bcsr.org.


The Boulder City Hospital Foundation is seeking 250 volunteers to work four- or eight-hour shifts at the 51st annual Art in the Park event Oct. 5-6. Volunteers also are needed to work the Art in the Park raffle ticket table at the Boulder Dam Credit Union on Thursdays and Fridays in September.

Volunteers working at the event will receive a free T-shirt and refreshments. Contact volunteer coordinator Kirsten C. Ashley at 702-813-8003 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday or email art@bouldercityhospital.org.

An application and a complete list of volunteer job descriptions are available at www.artinthepark.org.


The Boulder City/Hoover Dam Museum will hold a monthly lecture called “Wild Nevada” at 6 p.m. the third Thursday of the month. The Sept. 19 lecture, “The Art of Natural Images From the Wildlands of Southern Nevada” will be by wildlife artist and educator Sharon Schafer. The museum is at 1305 Arizona St. Visit www.bcmha.org for more information.


The Boulder City Art Guild and Gallery inside the Boulder Dam Hotel, 1305 Arizona St., will host the Day of the Dead porcelain skull sale through Oct. 18. For $12, buy, decorate and donate the skull back for a silent auction fundraiser for the guild to be held at 6 p.m. Nov. 1. Call 702-501-9219 or email the thecornergallerybc@gmail.com for more information.


The Boulder City Hospital Auxiliary is seeking volunteers to work in the Goldie Begley Gift Shoppe and in long-term care. Call 702-293-4111 and ask for the gift shop or stop by the gift shop for an application. The application also is available at the hospital website,www.bchcares.org.


Grace Community church is accepting donations of furniture, clothing, housewares and hardware for its Country Store. The storeroom is open at 717 Park St. from 8-10 a.m. Mondays. For information, call the church at 702-293-2018.


Women of Boulder City are invited to stop in for a monthly meeting of the American Association of University Women at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of the month at the Boulder Dam Museum meeting room, second floor of the Boulder Dam Hotel, 1305 Arizona St.


The Saint Andrew Council of the Knights of Columbus meets the first Thursday of each month in the Saint Mary classroom at Saint Andrew’s Catholic Church, 1399 San Felipe Drive. The social starts at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m.

Visiting Knights from other councils are cordially invited to attend. Contact Robert Hartman, grand knight, at 702-218-8713 for more information.

Senior Center

Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday at 813 Arizona St., 702-293-3320. Visit the center’s website at www.seniorcenterbouldercity.org.

Briefs for Sept. 26

Library events scheduled throughout September

Briefs for Sept. 19

Library events scheduled throughout September

Pet of the Week

The summer reading program, “Dig Into Reading,” runs through Aug. 8. Call Kimberly Diehm, youth services librarian, at 293-1281 for more information. The Boulder City Library is at 701 Adams Blvd.

Briefs for July 25

The summer reading program, “Dig Into Reading,” runs through Aug. 8 Call Kimberly Diehm, youth services librarian, at 293-1281 for more information. The Boulder City Library is at 701 Adams Blvd.

Briefs for July 18

The summer reading program, “Dig Into Reading,” runs through Aug. 8 Call Kimberly Diehm, youth services librarian, at 293-1281 for more information. The Boulder City Library is at 701 Adams Blvd.