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Wilderness designations fall short of need to protect Southern Nevada land

The Bureau of Land Management lands in Southern Nevada are important to me. We need to provide for current generations by allowing places to be available for scenic and recreational uses and for future option values as well as scenic and recreational values for our children’s children’s children.

Titus addresses veterans’ transportation needs

Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., recently held a veterans roundtable in Las Vegas to discuss happenings on Capitol Hill. She is on the House Veterans Committee, and is the ranking member on memorial services.

For BCHS alumni, traditions continue to be important

Traditions have great value to those who carry them forward. Whether among friends, families, communities or high schools, traditions have special meaning to those who share them. Whether traditions continue or change over the course of time depends on many factors — changes in the lives of friends, maturing generations in growing families, cultural changes in communities, or the dictates of county school districts.

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Attitude adjustment happens

Attitude … Ask anyone who knows me whether I’m in their “like” or “can’t stand her” category, and they’ll tell you I have attitude. But all of us have it. Some of us simply express it more openly.

Words of love play important role in others’ lives

Crisscrossing my cerebral imagery this February are tequila-and-beer Jimmy Buffett and my teetotaler husband. They share a love of brass and strings, both proficient on their trombone and guitars.

Sports, betting inextricably linked

The odds are good even the most perceptive bookmaker didn’t see this turnaround coming: U.S. Sen. John McCain speaking out in favor of expanding legalized sports betting in America.

Gun safety issue draws fire

Mention the subject of gun safety in Nevada, and you’re bound to draw metaphorical fire from every angle.

Numerous organizations strive to help veterans

A website called 4vets.biz reports it helps veterans receive discounts from select local and national companies. The site lists businesses that voluntarily offer discounts and reduced fees.

Gun safety debate remains big in Nevada

He was just 20, not old enough to legally buy a drink at the bar inside the Las Vegas Club.

Growing, historic Boulder City faces inevitable change

Change is inevitable, but it can be controlled and be positive or it can be left unchecked and be detrimental. Historic Boulder City has been subject to many changes over the years. Most of those changes have been necessary for the survival of a small city in an ever-changing world.

Snubbed pot shops inclined to sue

From the news coming out of Washoe County, you’d almost think there’s a glaucoma epidemic erupting at Lake Tahoe’s Incline Village.

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