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Fossil fuels provide dependable power

When it comes to energy, windmills are useless when there’s no wind, solar is useless when there’s no sun, and hydro is useless when there’s no water — a condition Nevadans were recently warned about again thanks to the ongoing drought.

Through opinions, actions we make a difference

When I became editor of the Boulder City Review, one of my goals was to make the newspaper a go-to place for news and information about events throughout Boulder City. I wanted people to look at the paper as a friend, a place where they could get and share news and stories — good and bad — about things that mattered to them.

Ravens only part of problem for grouse, tortoise

Many years ago when I started covering Nevada’s capitol, one of the best parts of the job was the building itself.

Charlie Brown Republicans fooled again

Before there was SpongeBob SquarePants, we old geezers marveled at what a knucklehead Charlie Brown was for falling for the ol’ yank-the-football-away-at-the-last-minute trick perpetrated by that little tyrant, Lucy.

Campus carry law shot down again

The GOP’s historic takeover of the Nevada Legislature should have meant, at the very least, a budget without tax hikes and passage of gun rights bills that have been bottled up by anti-gun Democrats for years.

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Poise, smarts trump politics

Last week, female college students were in the news in Missouri and Nevada.

Meet candidates, study issues before voting

Boulder City residents are being asked to help shape the future of the city in the upcoming election.

Political language more debased than ever

I received an email from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee last week. The subject line read, “Boehner Meets the Press, Lies.”

Do you see the ‘ideological infidel’? I do

One of my favorite Ronald Reagan quotes is this one: “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant; it’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”

Ripples of Nepal quake felt thousands of miles away

Nepal may be thousands of miles away, but the effects of Saturday’s 7.8 magnitude earthquake can be felt here in Southern Nevada.

Which comes first, principle or commerce?

The attempt by Republican members of the Nevada Legislature to use government to permit discrimination against gays under the guise of religious freedom appears to have come to an end. I say “appears” because the closing days of most legislatures produce some surprises, and there’s always the chance the bills could be revived then under some parliamentary machinations.

Bruises inspire greater DIY projects

If you bump into me in the next couple of weeks, don’t be surprised if I happen to be sporting a bandage or two, or am limping a bit.

Initiative would close tax-hike loophole

It’s a law of human nature. If you give students a week to complete a term paper, they will take the full week to complete the term paper. If you give those same students a month, they’ll take the full month.

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