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Dennis Myers

Press promotes discord in coverage

After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the Voting Rights Act on June 25, Nevada’s U.S. Sen. Harry Reid issued a statement calling the decision “extreme judicial activism” that was “wrongly decided and will unjustly threaten the right to vote for millions of Americans across this country.”

How to impoverish a society

A couple of years ago one of my colleagues wrote a piece about how some families establish a “family night” at which parents and children have the evening meal together.

The political system discourages civility

The first time I encountered Barbara Vucanovich, she took a dig at me. She was running for the U.S. House from the northern district. Nevada had just gotten a second district for the first time in state history.

The steep price of silence

In 2005 after Congress intruded into a family dispute over life support for Theresa Schiavo, a Florida woman who was in a vegetative state, a Northern Nevada interfaith group called Clergy United for Moral Dialogue issued a statement denouncing Congress for exploiting a human tragedy.

1917: A key to Obama’s policies

One of the best ways to determine the intent of the Obama administration in its treatment of the press is by looking at the law it is using. It’s called the Espionage Act of 1917, and therein lies a tale.

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It’s State Things time again

State Things are back in the news. This is not surprising. Anytime state legislatures are in session, the public faces a threat from new State Things.

Buddy of big business: The Democratic Party

In the 1930s Walt Disney got into a wrangle with California state government and announced he was planning to move his studios to Nevada. There was great excitement in the Silver State.

Time for Democrats to get tough on Obama

In January, a man named George Gund died in Palm Springs, Calif. Gund was a resident of Lee in Elko County. He provided the funding for the very first Cowboy Poetry Gathering and sat on the board of Elko’s Western Folklife Center.

Sex ed should be kept focused

In the 19th century, a movement called “uniform state laws” became enormously influential. It involved getting states to write similar laws so that crossing a state border was not such a legally difficult process. Unfortunately, it has led to a one-size-fits-all philosophy and a belief that what works in Roanoke, Va., will work in Reno.

Crises are seized or surrendered

While covering the ongoing news over the busing of mental patients out of Nevada by a state hospital, I called former Nevada Gov. Richard Bryan to interview him on the impact these kinds of disputes have on the state’s ability to attract news businesses. Bryan created the economic development system that existed for three decades until Gov. Brian Sandoval dismantled it two years ago.

Recovery for the rich

Last weekend I visited a Reno used bookstore that I often frequent. The owner told me that this is like no recession he has experienced. In previous recessions, he said, people have avoided buying new books so he benefited. Sales rose in hard times. Not this time.

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