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Chuck Muth

Congress’ actions may bring back gas lines

I was my 14-year-old daughter’s age when the first gas lines appeared in 1973, thanks to the newly created Mideast oil cartel that we would soon be know as OPEC and President Richard Nixon’s ill-advised effort at government control of oil prices.

Obama resurrects death tax, targets family farmers

If there’s anything more quintessentially American than baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet, it’s the American family farmer. Indeed, the American Gothic painting of a pitchfork-wielding farmer and his daughter is one of the most recognized works of art in all of American culture.

Eloquent or not, Fiore stands by sentiment

Liberals are having a veritable cow after The New York Times printed the following quote by conservative Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, R-Clark, with regard to the reintroduction of her campus carry bill.

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Free speech victory leaves more work to be done

My nonprofit grass roots advocacy organization recently won a huge free speech victory in a Nevada Supreme Court case, but the work of defending our First Amendment rights against government infringement marches on.

Nevada’s biggest myth debunked

So there’s Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, leprechauns, mermaids, and, of course, the space aliens hidden at Area 51.

Sandoval’s bluff on budget challenge answered

Do you know the most outrageous thing about Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval’s (R&R Partners) billion-dollar tax hike proposal?

Government does little to create jobs, much to prevent them

Why do politicians who run on promises to “create jobs” then seemingly go out of their way to do everything humanly possible to hamstring the very people who actually create jobs?

Look out, here comes the ‘Gruber’ tax

I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t be surprised one iota if Jonathan Gruber himself hasn’t been hired to craft the propaganda campaign that’s underway to pass Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval’s (R&R Partners) 2015-17 budget.

Left nor right has true governing mandate

I take a bit of a contrary position from many conservatives about the meaning of this last election.

Fiore fury doused with facts

At my request, conservative Republican Assembly Majority Leader Michele Fiore, R-Las Vegas, set up a meeting for me with her accountant so I could review and seek clarity on this whole brouhaha related to Internal Revenue Service tax liens filed against her business.

Nondenial denials fuel nuke option speculation

Much like cockroaches, many politicians prefer to operate in the dark. And they go scurrying for cover when light is shined on them.

Hambrick moves from doghouse to penthouse

In 2013 he was sentenced to the “bad boy” room in the Nevada Legislature. Next year he’ll have the best office in the building, including his own private washroom and a dozen political handmaidens at his beck and call.

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