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Council candidates express their views on growth, bypass issues

Eight men are running for two open seats on the Boulder City Council.

Because of the large number of candidates, a primary election will be held April 4 to narrow the field, with early voting scheduled March 22-25 at City Hall.

City Clerk Lorene Krumm said the primary could advance as many as four candidates to the June 13 general election. If any of the candidates receives a majority, however, then that person or people will be declared elected, she said.

If one person is elected during the primary, the two candidates with the next highest vote totals will advance.

Voting for the primary will be conducted at two vote centers: Boulder City Parks and Recreation Center, 900 Arizona St., and King Elementary School, 888 Adams Blvd. By having voting centers instead of precincts, area residents can cast their ballots at either facility.

To help residents make an informed decision, the Boulder City Review asked each candidate several questions. Their answers appear below.

Warren Harhay

Age: 73

Marital status: Celebrating 50 years of marriage with Marcia Harhay on June 24, 2017.

Family: Three sons: Matthew, Marshall, Mitchell; four grandchildren: Annison, Andy, Lilly, Brad.

Occupation: Retired research and development; electrical engineer with some spark still left.

Club/organization affiliations: Boulder City Sunrise Rotary, Boulder City Chamber of Commerce.

Contact: wch@eva.net, www.harhay4bc.com.

Why do you feel you would be a good addition to the City Council?

I am analytic by both inclination and training. Multidiscipline skill set: educator, scientist, innovator and entrepreneur. I would use a technical approach to solving problems, i.e., scientific method. I am an effective communicator and a proven consensus builder. I have held leadership positions in education, business, community and technical societies.

How do you think the completion of Interstate 11 will affect Boulder City, and what, if anything should be done?

Positive outcomes for residents reduce truck traffic and weekend bottlenecks. Positive outcomes for business not relying on transient traffic customers. Boulder City becomes a more attractive destination for visitors from “over the hill.”

Assist those vulnerable businesses for survival or retasking with a business intensive care unit with the cooperation and input of the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, UNLV business school, College of Southern Nevada and Nevada State College business programs.

Enhance local destination tourism as described in I-11 impact study. Implement the recommendations of the I-11 impact study. Improve signage at both east and west entry portals. Improve attitude of city functionaries toward smaller business enterprises.

What is your view on growth? Should the limited growth ordinance remain in place, be eliminated or amended, and why?

Full compliance with the master plan as updated in 2015. Growth limited to 120 units per year with priority given to vacant infill area developed first. Contiguous areas zoned residential as a secondary priority.

Absolutely no noncontiguous area residential development, i.e., proposed Boulder Highlands.

The 120 total allotment cap remains, some possible adjustment to 30 allotments per builder to make that level of development economically viable.

Define and identify those issues that have caused only limited interest by a single developer. Place a plan in action to rectify those issues.

What is your vision for Boulder City in 10 years?

I foresee a small town with a big future. Improved perception of a city government that is competent, communicative and caring. Regular informal town halls with councilmen and the mayor. Councilman/mayor each assigned de facto “wards” composed of precincts to facilitate small group participation and communication in a noncontentious environment.

Break up “at-large” representation into an informal manner to facilitate a friendlier and open environment for relaxed communication and information exchange. An effective and accountable public information office.

Clean energy capital of the world combing the clean energy generation of our present world-class solar and hydroelectric facilities with state-of-the-art peak and off-peak storage (i.e., Tesla battery ) New research and development, planned unit development facilities that employ high-salaried scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians.

Full-time city staff grant writer. Ombudsmen for both residential and business constituencies.

Planned unit development for research and development, and light office in industrial area.

Formation of a “maker” center to foster cooperative science, technology, engineering and math interest by youth and adults seeking new or improved skills in a hobbylike environment. Obvious tie-in with our local clean-energy sources, drone development as well as microcomputers and applied electronics.

Increased adventure tourism.

A multigeneration aquatics center without “gimmick” financing. Operational and maintenance provided within city budget.

Creation and enforcement of ordinances for preservation and protection of sites within the historic district. Completion bond requirement so that work in progress or abandonment of project requires applicant to return site to its original condition, condemnation or eminent domain seizure of property abandoned within the historic district.

Enhanced support for the arts. Creation of a lecture hall venue and lecture series.

What issues do you think affect Boulder City and its residents the most?

Distrust of city government. Ineffective consensus building. Perception of aloof city officials with compromised ethics.

How do you propose to maintain the quality of life that Boulder City residents currently enjoy?

Retention of controlled growth ordinances which have served us well. Initiation of informal town hall meetings with council and staff as hosts in rotation. Effective communication with community to build consensus. Strict compliance with ethics laws and the spirit of all ethics regulations. Demand courtesy and competence of all city employees with regular recognition of those who have gone beyond the minimum expected in this regard. Extra effort in hiring and appointments to avoid even the appearance of nepotism or favoritism.

Richard “Rich” Loudin

Age: 71

Marital status: Widowed

Family: Three daughters and nine grandchildren

Occupation: Former executive with Bic Pen Corp. Owner/broker of Dick Blair Realty in Boulder City since 2009.

Club/organization affiliations: Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, currently serving as one of its directors. Boulder City Sunrise Rotary.

Contact: Facebook: Rich Loudin. www.richforbc.com, richforbc@gmail.com.

Why do you feel you would be a good addition to the City Council?

I have deep roots in this community. My grandfather worked on the dam. Many years after attending Las Vegas High School and UNLV, I was able to move my family to Boulder City. We are now five generations of Boulder City residents.

I make my home in Boulder City for the same reason most people choose to live here. Boulder City offers an incredibly rich community spirit and sense of small-town values that must be protected. I believe every council decision must be made with this in mind. And I will be an independent voice in support of maintaining the best parts of our community.

Since moving to Boulder City I have been deeply involved in various community activities through, among other things, my longtime participation in both the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary. My devotion to this community as well as my professional experience — as both a corporate executive and a small-business owner — provide a unique perspective to the opportunities and challenges facing our beautiful city.

How do you think the completion of Interstate 11 will affect Boulder City, and what, if anything, should be done?

The immediate result will be a change in the traffic pattern through our city. Of course, no one really knows exactly how much of an impact this will have on existing businesses or residents. But it is safe to say that change is coming whether we want it or not. As a city, we must decide how to deal with this change in a way that maintains our identity and best serves the city as a whole.

At this point, we should be looking at the potential opportunities the new interstate provides. It will open up new areas of our city. This will certainly provide new opportunities. But we must carefully manage any proposed development in a manner consistent with maintaining our community values and way of life.

What is your view on growth? Should the limited growth ordinance remain in place, be eliminated or amended, and why?

Growth is and will always be a central issue in Boulder City. We live here because we love our close-knit community and the sense of values not seen in other cities. Our relatively small size is a big part of our identity. Boulder City must remain what makes it a uniquely wonderful place to live and raise a family.

I don’t see any reason to alter or amend the growth ordinance. For the past many years, Boulder City issued approximately 10 percent of available permits under the current growth ordinance. There simply is no reason to change the current system, unless we are talking about large-scale residential development. I am against super-communities and large-scale residential development in Boulder City. Again, it’s not who we are and it’s not what we want to be.

Growth is not inherently bad. And some communities welcome massive residential development. For them it makes sense. Boulder City is not one of them. Controlled growth with an eye on preserving our community should be the council’s duty and goal.

What is your vision for Boulder City in 10 years?

Vision is extremely important if we are going to continue to improve the quality of life in Boulder City. Instead of constantly reacting to issues as they arise, it is important to anticipate future challenges and opportunities. Some folks seem to think that the only path to continued prosperity is through massive residential development. I disagree.

We don’t need massive residential expansion. Growth comes in many forms. I think Boulder City’s true potential is not being realized. We must do a much better job promoting our city and what it has to offer.

In 2015, the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce commissioned a UNLV study regarding the economic health and future of Boulder City. The chamber provided the report to the council in the spring of 2015. But they continue to ignore its findings and recommendations, apparently in favor of giving our city over to large residential developers.

The UNLV study made several recommendations for improving Boulder City’s economic health:

­— Boulder City needs a plan for the recruitment, expansion and retention of local businesses. Yet we have no such plan.

— The council must do a better job of considering and soliciting the opinions of the entire community regarding the best method to deal with the challenges and opportunities surrounding I-11. Some on the council apparently only consider the opinions of the large residential developers.

— The study also recommends more open communication with the voters. Instead of just informing the residents of decisions, the council must invite more community involvement in the decision-making process.

— Taking advantage of the four corners opportunity with the coming intersection of I-11 and U.S. Highway 95. This is an outstanding opportunity. Yet, the only idea from the current council is a huge residential development. We can and must do better.

— Boulder City should be a destination and not just a rest stop on the way to Las Vegas. Today, many people are choosing a healthier lifestyle. And Boulder City has the potential to be a world-class destination for outdoor recreation. Of course, everyone knows about the lake, but how many people realize that Boulder City offers world-class hiking, biking and running trails?

Boulder City also boasts amazing golf courses, parks and zip lines. Along with our restaurants, shopping and accommodations, we have a great opportunity to market Boulder City as a place to stay and play. If we continue to innovate, anticipate and offer creative solutions, our quality of life will continue to improve, without sacrificing our community values and without lining the pockets of residential developers.

In short, Boulder City needs a plan. And thus far the council refuses to consider one that doesn’t involve gifting our land and selling out our community.

What issues do you think affect Boulder City and its residents the most?

There is a current struggle surrounding the identity and direction of our community. The issue as to how we continue to maintain our community identity and values will be the biggest challenge going forward. I will not allow a few special interests to cause irreparable damage to our beautiful city. We can and will deal with our current issues in a manner that preserves and enhances our community.

How do you propose to maintain the quality of life that Boulder City residents currently enjoy?

Boulder City needs direction. It seems that lately our local government has been drifting along like a rudderless ship. The council is reactive when it needs to be proactive. Boulder City needs a plan for the future. We must take advantage of the changing landscape in our community. I believe that by implementing the ideas discussed above, we can continue to improve our quality of life without sacrificing our identity.

Eric L. Lundgaard

Age: 64

Marital status: Single

Family: Two children, Kara and Bret

Occupation: Retired economist.

Club/organization affiliations: Rotary, Paul Harris fellow. I am a member of Grace Community Church.

Contact: elundgaard@cox.net, 702-449-3142.

Why do you feel you would be a good addition to the City Council?

I was the councilman and mayor who worked at purchasing the Eldorado Valley showing my commitment to the community. As chairman of the Eldorado Valley Advisory Group, I lobbied the state Legislature to accept Boulder City’s right to purchase the valley. Our city grew from 31 square miles to more than 200 square miles, now annually receiving more than $10 million in revenues from solar leases.

Our fiscal picture is bright and enabled by the addition of the Eldorado Valley, keeping our taxes low. About one-third of the city’s general fund comes from the lease revenues.

I served two terms as mayor of Boulder City, while I was a member of the City Council from 1985 to 1997. While mayor, I signed the documents purchasing the Eldorado Valley in July 1995. I also served on the Southern Nevada Water Authority and health board. I also served as a member of the Clark County Regional Flood Control District and Regional Transportation Commission.

I am the only member of our city’s councils who has ever served as a member of a steering committee of the National League of Cities. I brought mayors and council members from all over America to Boulder City, holding the Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Steering Committee meeting here in 1997.

How do you think the completion of Interstate 11 will affect Boulder City, and what, if anything, should be done?

Of course, it is going to affect our community, removing the current traffic from Nevada Highway and U.S. Highway 93 onto Interstate 11. It will also create a need to provide full ingress and egress at Buchanan Boulevard.

The proposed two interchanges at Railroad Pass and the Hoover Dam Lodge are not in the city limits of Boulder City. The urban area of our city cannot be seen from either point of access. I-11 is only 2.5 miles from the entrance to the city by way of Buchanan Boulevard making it the logical third access point to Boulder City for our visitors and residents.

What is your view on growth? Should the limited growth ordinance remain in place, be eliminated or amended, and why?

We had the growth control ordinance in place during my prior terms in office. Our city successfully added nine holes to the municipal golf course and a Lewis Homes subdivision. We can successfully add new homes to our community even with growth control.

The city councils I served with successfully defended the growth control ordinance all the way to the Supreme Court of Nevada with the Cinnamon Hills Development proposal in 1994. The ordinance needs to remain in place to support growth management for future housing needs.

What is your vision for Boulder City in 10 years?

I was on City Council 20 years ago in 1997. The population was then 10,000. Our city has grown by 5,000 over the ensuing 20 years. Using that comparison, I would expect the city to have more than 2,500 residents 10 years from now making it a city of about 18,000. I still foresee a small community with a high quality of life and low crime rate with a new swimming pool.

What issues do you think affect Boulder City and its residents the most?

1. Growth and master planning.

2. Improved access to the soon-opening Interstate 11.

3. Public participation with effective, adequate and open communication.

4. Keeping gaming out of Boulder City.

How do you propose to maintain the quality of life that Boulder City residents currently enjoy?

The same way I did in the past. Our city had a promising future when I left the City Council. In 1997, we had a general fund ending balance of about $10 million while we had $6 million ending balance in the utility fund. We were in excellent shape with a bright future due to our acquisition of the Eldorado Valley.

I will maintain the quality of life for our residents through growth management with effective, adequate and open communication with our citizens. I have no financial conflicts of interest with my decisions regarding Boulder City since I am retired with an experience in city finance and economics.

Fritz McDonald

Age: 32

Marital status: Married

Family: Wife and daughter

Occupation: Owner/wealth manager of McDonald Financial.

Club/organization affiliations: Service chair for the board of directors of the Boulder City Sunrise Rotary, ambassador for the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, commissioner for Boulder City Planning Commission, lifetime member of Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Email or website for voters to contact you at: McDonaldforCityCouncil@yahoo.com, www.McDonaldforCityCouncil.org.

Why do you feel you would be a good addition to the City Council?

I’m a proven leader and have dedicated my life to serving this country and our community. I was born and raised in Boulder City and embody its culture. I’m the son of Lee and Linda McDonald, who have been part of this community since 1983.

As a graduate of Boulder City High School, I was deeply involved in the community from early on, whether I was planting trees along Veterans Memorial Boulevard with Sunrise Rotary, becoming an Eagle Scout by leading Project ID, cleaning the shores of Lake Mead, sitting as mayor with the Boulder City Youth Council or serving on Boulder City’s Community Education Advisory Board.

In my 10 years of service in the United States Army, I served in assignments across the United States, Germany and was deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. I was promoted to the rank of captain and served in assignments such as operations officer, Nevada liaison officer and company commander. Throughout my military career, I was continuously recognized for my planning and leadership accomplishments.

I’m the founder of local financial firm, McDonald Financial. Not only am I a small-business owner, but my enthusiasm for financial literacy has made me a featured columnist in a local magazine and a frequent guest speaker at Boulder City High School, local churches, colleges and military units in Southern Nevada. I’m a family man and small-business owner with a stake in the decisions that are being made.

How do you think the completion of Interstate 11 will affect Boulder City, and what, if anything, should be done?

The bypass will immediately relieve the headache of traffic running through our town, preventing residents from entering and exiting businesses along the corridor.

Unfortunately, our local businesses will be affected by the lack of traffic and tourism. I propose a strategic tourism plan focusing on our history, businesses and recreation. There is a major disconnect with tourists that visit the Hoover Dam and recognizing Boulder City as the town that built the dam. We can bridge that gap by working directly with the Bureau of Reclamation.

With respect to recreation, we have more to offer than many of our sister cities across the Southwest. We have several markets to target and attract their residents to our many activities, restaurants, shops and hotels. We must work with our business community to ensure they thrive as we introduce the bypass around our community.

What is your view on growth? Should the limited growth ordinance remain in place, be eliminated or amended, and why?

We should continue to grow within the growth ordinance framework. We can explore ideas to stimulate competition among developers in our community. Enticing competition will result in attracting new families and businesses, creating a diverse yet superior housing market while making sure future generations enjoy the unique “Boulder City” life that we do today. All this can be accomplished without jeopardizing the 120 cap within our growth ordinance today.

What is your vision for Boulder City in 10 years?

Ensure future generations enjoy the unique Boulder City life we all enjoy today. We will accomplish this by focusing on our safety, ensuring we have thriving businesses and a robust tourism market.

We must provide and maintain reliable utilities and maintain fiscal responsibility. Our different land leases are a wonderful revenue source for our community, but what would happen in 20 years if the solar companies decide to move? We should ensure our fiscal plans are sustainable moving forward.

What issues do you think affect Boulder City and its residents the most?

Utilities, growth and fiscal sustainability. We have just experienced the first of many very large utility rate hikes. We must re-examine these hikes and explore additional funding options to relieve the strain on we, rate payers.

Growth will always be knocking at our door, and we must never jump to rash decisions. Updating the master plan would eliminate the division we are experiencing. This updated strategic plan would guide us as to where and how to grow within our growth ordinance. An updated master plan will have the ability to direct us over the next 15-20 years.

Fiscal sustainability is a must. We have separated ourselves from many other municipalities around the United States by maintaining a fiscally conservative posture. Let’s improve upon the progress we have made. Let’s ensure future generations have a solid foundation to work with.

How do you propose to maintain the quality of life that Boulder City residents currently enjoy?

Our quality of life is what makes Boulder City the unique community that it is. We pride ourselves on our treasured history, low crime, great schools, abundant youth programs and true sense of community. I have laid out a detailed plan to ensure we preserve our quality of life while making sure future generations do as well. I bring a strong background in finance and strategic planning.

Kiernan McManus

Age: 59

Marital status: Single

Family: No children

Occupation: Information technology.

Club/organization affiliations: Vice-chair of Boulder City Historic Preservation Committee; endorsed by the Boulder City Community Alliance; Elks Lodge

Email or website for voters to contact you at: McManusForCouncil@gmail.com, www.McManusForCouncil.com.

Why do you feel you would be a good addition to the City Council?

As a native of Boulder City I have seen changes over time and understand the residents of our town have always been the core of this great community. I have regularly attended City Council meetings and spoken out on issues that impact our city.

I am an advocate for preserving our heritage. My goal is to serve the interests of the residents by promoting our town and preserving the quality of life that we have by being an independent voice on City Council.

How do you think the completion of Interstate 11 will affect Boulder City, and what, if anything, should be done?

The completion of the I-11 bypass will bring both benefits and some challenges. The benefits will be a significant reduction in traffic at the busiest intersection in town. The major employers in town such as federal agencies and small manufacturers will not be affected by this change.

Some small businesses will be affected by the reduction in traffic. I would work with the Chamber of Commerce to focus the marketing for these small businesses on the attractions that have always brought visitors to town: Hoover Dam and Lake Mead. The “Home of Hoover Dam” slogan is effective in that regard.

The creation of new business districts at considerable distances from existing businesses, however, will only serve to compound the challenges these businesses will face. The expense of creating these new districts will be excessive. I will work to devote existing resources to improving our business district and attracting replacement businesses where openings already exist. I will use my experience in planning and implementing sound business practices to accomplish these goals.

What is your view on growth? Should the limited growth ordinance remain in place, be eliminated or amended, and why?

Conservative growth has been the key to maintaining our small-town charm for 40 years. It is the reason so many of us have chosen to make this our home. While some who would profit from rapid growth attempt to create a sense of urgency, the fact remains conservative growth continues to make sense and benefit our community.

There are upwards of 300 new homes already approved. That number is more than we have seen in several years. We should plan for growth in ways that are efficient and benefit all residents.

What is your vision for Boulder City in 10 years?

Boulder City is in a stronger position following the harsh effects of the Great Recession. Revenues have increased 25 percent over the past five years. Additional revenue from new solar leases will further increase available funds. As the economy continues to recover we will see the young families who were most vulnerable to the recession return.

I would focus on enhancing our existing city by concentrating on the neglected infrastructure. Before spending millions of dollars pursuing rapid growth, I would ensure funds be spent on projects benefiting the people paying the taxes.

At the same time, I would ask for input from residents on updating our city master plan for the changes that will be coming soon. The character of Nevada Way will be changing. With less traffic there will be new opportunities for businesses and residents.

There are areas within the existing city that can be developed at lower cost and prevent inefficient use of land. Boulder City has the rare ability to shape its future. I will take care in promoting that ability. Transparent government that represents wide interests and seeks input from citizens will be my goal.

What issues do you think affect Boulder City and its residents the most?

The uncertainty of changes that are coming is the concern I have heard most often. I believe we should begin acting now to implement plans that will lessen the negative impacts of the changes. We have existing resources available to us that do not exist elsewhere such as Hoover Dam, the abundance of land for future generations and our spectacular desert scenery.

Many of the economic factors that have supported our town will not be affected by the changes. The closing of one grocery store when large corporations merge is an example of change we cannot control. We can seek to encourage new businesses to locate here and be supported as in the past. City government must not be a barrier to businesses that want to find a place in Boulder City.

How do you propose to maintain the quality of life that Boulder City residents currently enjoy?

Change can be unsettling. Boulder City was not immune from the Great Recession and the lingering effects. Families lost homes and moved away. Boulder City was built during similar times and became a great place to live. The resources we have resulting from land leases and good property values should be used to lower utility rates, repair infrastructure and begin projects benefiting the community. Growth can be planned to be efficient and benefit our small town as a family-friendly place to live.

John W. Milburn

Age: 74

Marital status: Married to Christine

Family: Children: Robert, Summer, Sean, Alicia; eight grandchildren and one great grandson

Occupation: Retired physics and chemistry teacher; retired basketball and golf coach.

Club/organization affiliations: Boulder City Sunrise Rotarian; past president Boulder City Sunrise Rotary; Emergency Aid of Boulder City volunteer; Boulder City Men’s Golf Association.

Email or website for voters to contact you at: www.votejohnmilburn.com.

Why do you feel you would be a good addition to the City Council?

My science background has taught me to think analytically to solve difficult problems. That ability, combined with a respect and open mind for the opinions of others, will allow me to make decisions that are in the best interest of our community.

How do you think the completion of Interstate 11 will affect Boulder City, and what, if anything should be done?

The effect of the completion of I-11 will be directly controlled by our actions as a community. If the citizens, the Chamber of Commerce and the City Council work in a concerted effort, we will prosper and keep our small family town identity.

The lack of truck traffic will give us a unique opportunity to promote our business community. That, along with controlled residential growth, will keep us thriving and financially stable.

What is your view on growth? Should the limited growth ordinance remain in place, be eliminated or amended, and why?

Because of the slow overall growth, the declining school population and the effect of I-11 on the business community, I am in favor of promoting residential development within the bounds of our growth ordinance.

What is your vision for Boulder City in 10 years?

We have the opportunity before us to control our own destiny. In 10 years we could be debt free and have our infrastructure updated. I envision a small historical town which has been enhanced by controlled residential growth in select areas. I see a small city reborn. We will rise to the challenges facing us with the coming of I-11, and we will emerge stronger than ever before.

What issues do you think affect Boulder City and its residents the most?

­— Keeping our controlled growth ordinance.

­— Getting out of debt.

­— Preserving our small-town atmosphere and historic heritage.

— Updating our infrastructure.

— The new power line coming up Nevada Way to the end of Adams Boulevard.

— Decline in the school population.

— Anticipated decline in business traffic and volumes due to I-11.

How do you propose to maintain the quality of life that Boulder City residents currently enjoy?

Through the pursuit of economic development opportunities, commercial leases and controlled residential growth, we will maintain our unique quality of life. The ultimate goal of maintaining our way of life following the completion of I-11 will take place only through sound fiscal planning and prudent growth policy.

Cam Walker

Age: 50

Marital status: Married to my wife of 27 years, Michele

Family: Five children, two married and one granddaughter.

Occupation: Business development for Ledcor

Club/organization affiliations: City councilman and mayor pro tem; vice chairman of Debt Management Commission; treasurer of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority; secretary Las Vegas Events; executive board member Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance; Boy Scouts of America; past member of Boulder City Hospital Foundation for more than 12 years.

Email or website for voters to contact you at: cam@camcwalker.com, www.votecamwalker.com.

Why do you feel you would be a good addition to the City Council?

Experience counts, and with eight years of on-the-job training there will be no learning curve. My background is unique having worked for a water utility, in comprehensive planning, for large companies as an executive, and owned a small business and had to meet a payroll. With a master’s degree in public administration, I have studied the role and responsibilities of government.

Over the past eight years it has been my goal to read everything, and while I certainly don’t know and understand everything, I have proved that I am not afraid to speak up and ask the tough questions. I respect my fellow council members and the unique traits each one possesses.

How do you think the completion of Interstate 11 will affect Boulder City, and what, if anything, should be done?

Public safety should be our top priority with the completion of Interstate 11. Most residents do not realize that we only have two ambulances staffed during any shift at our fire station. An accident on the new bypass will take emergency services away from our community for hours. There are times when we do not have an ambulance but must bring the fire truck and then wait for an ambulance to transport. We must prepare and improve the level of public safety for our community through staffing and planning for the changes brought about by Interstate 11.

Another priority, with the removal of trucks and cars, is a greater focus on tourism. Last year we had a comprehensive study conducted by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority of tourism in Boulder City. We are now focused on executing that plan first with a new visitbouldercity.com website and then with regular visits by the concierge groups from the major hotels in Southern Nevada.

Finally, my goal in the next four years is to market and leverage the great events like Art in the Park, Spring Jamboree, 4th of July Damboree and our Christmas light parade to have events once a month that support and market all that Boulder City has to offer.

What is your view on growth? Should the limited growth ordinance remain in place, be eliminated or amended, and why?

The voters of Boulder City have put in place the growth control ordinance, and I support responsible growth within our “voter approved” growth control ordinance. There is no need to change it at this time. The voters have approved property for sale and growth if it is done with a purpose and plan.

I support a review and update of the master plan. As we develop that master plan, it should include a strategy to have at least 80-100 new homes built each year. That residential growth should start with infill property and not leapfrog to the edges.

What is your vision for Boulder City in 10 years?

My vision for Boulder City over the next 10 years includes maintaining financial strength, following our strategic plan, updating our master plan and promoting our businesses and the rich history of Boulder City. I want to keep our taxes and utility rates low and protect the quality of life we enjoy in Boulder City.

Over the next 10 years, I hope to see our master plan updated in such a way that we have growth of 80-100 homes per year. With these new homes, I’d like to see the rest of Boulder City Parkway beautified welcoming all to Boulder City, the high school finished after nearly 20 years, a new pool complex built for all the community to enjoy and the railroad museum built showing our town is known for its strong history as the town that built Hoover Dam.

What issues do you think affect Boulder City and its residents the most?

There are many issues that we face as a community including controlled growth and the impact of I-11 on public safety and businesses. Today, I believe the recent utility rate increase has affected residents the most. I voted against these rate increases, and they are now set for regular increases without direct public input and notice but buried in the budget process.

For example, most residents don’t know that water and sewer rates are set to go up approximately 20 percent and 17 percent, respectively, in July.

When elected in 2009, the utility fund had approximately $1.5 million in our cash balance at year end, and things were critical. Today, we have more than $19 million in cash balance in our utility fund, and I did not feel the need to do so much, so quickly and impact the residents. Let’s work together to find alternatives.

How do you propose to maintain the quality of life that Boulder City residents currently enjoy?

Over the past eight years, the voters have approved ballot questions to sell land, pay off debt and improve our infrastructure. I propose that we continue to execute the financial plan, update the strategic plan and take the time now to complete a comprehensive master plan, all with transparency to keep our community informed. The voters have proved they are smart, informed and willing to work with City Hall to move forward. The best way to maintain our quality of life is to keep our city open and responsive, which will help our businesses and citizens to thrive.

Editor’s note: Candidate James Stuckey did not respond to requests to answer these questions.

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NPS, BOR employees discuss layoffs

It was definitely not the email he was hoping for.

Council votes ‘no’ on leash law

And, in the end, only one member of the city council was willing to stand up to a minority of residents and insist that dogs in public areas be on a leash.

For anglers, pond is more than just for fishing

The Boulder City Urban Pond draws crowds from in and outside Boulder City to enjoy the weather, fishing, and cleanliness.

Former rest home to become apartments

The Planning Commission voted unanimously last week to approve variances and a conditional use permit so that a former assisted living facility in the southeast part of town can reopen as apartments for seniors.

Council loosens food truck regulation

The past decade has brought an explosion of what in often called “food truck culture” all across the U.S.