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Make your vote count

If all the political signs around town weren’t enough of a reminder, here’s another. We are in the midst of an election for a mayor and two seats on the City Council.

Keep light shining on public records

Rain and clouds may have filled the skies above Boulder City for much of this week, but inside our office it was bright as we observed Sunshine Week.

Celebrate women, their accomplishments

Friday started a monthlong observance of celebrating and studying the contributions women have made on American history.

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Know what to consider before voting

Three candidates for mayor, eight for City Council could be a bit much for some to handle. Nobody in town knows all of these people. How on Earth do you decide and make a choice that you will be happy about over the coming four years? No, I’m not going to wade into political waters and tell you who to vote for, or even who I plan to vote for. But I do want to take a shot at answering my own question: “How on Earth do you decide?”