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Police Blotter, July 25

July 16, 12:29 a.m. A woman called in crying and stating “I’m tired of him beating me.” She refused to give her location and hung up. She did not answer when dispatch tried to call her. Officers went to the area to see if they could find a woman in distress.

July 16, 10:06 a.m. Officers received a call about a person making threats. The resident of the facility said he would shoot someone, and the caller believes this may be in response to a violation notice hung on the man’s door. The man is allowed to possess firearms but not to threaten fellow residents. The caller said the manager spoke with man, who said he was upset because someone was leaving dead cockroaches on his doorstep. He threatened to shoot that person if he learns their identity.

July 17, 9:04 p.m. Police received a call about a white convertible in a cul-de-sac whose occupants were being loud and disturbing the caller. Officers contacted the caller and advised him about the city’s noise ordinance. The man admitted that it wasn’t always a noise complaint, but he didn’t want anyone hanging out in the area. Police said they had not observed any violations and they should only be called if there were actual violations of the law.

July 18, 8:25 a.m. A caller reported seeing a car on Don Vincente Drive that had Washington license plates and Cox Communications on the side. It was occupied by two men who were looking at a house with binoculars. Officers contacted the men, who said they were from Cox and surveying the telephone lines. They would be in the area for a couple of hours.

July 18, 11:34 a.m. Two 5-week-old kittens were found and turned over to animal control.

July 18, 9:21 p.m. A woman called police and said a man was knocking on her window and door. Thirty minutes later she called back and said she has a stalker named Dave who wants to be her boyfriend. She had called him, and he admitted to banging on her window.

July 19, 6:32 a.m. Officers received a report about a man standing on the corner of Nevada Way and Buchanan Boulevard who was stepping out into traffic. An hour and 10 minutes later, another call was received about the same man loitering in the area and that he appeared to be intoxicated. Officers trespassed him from the area.

July 19, 10:46 p.m. Officers received a call about people riding up and down the street on dirt bikes. When they arrived on scene, the riders said they would put the bikes away.

July 20, 2:07 p.m. A caller reported seeing three or four people going through a dumpster in front of a vacant home for sale on Monterey Drive. Officers attempted to contact the listing agent and left three voicemails and one for the last registered owner. About 20 minutes later, a man called and told officers no one was allowed on the property and nothing should be removed. Once on scene, officers encountered a man hiding in a shed; he admitted to entering the property without the owner’s consent and had packed up items to take. The suspect was released until more information could be obtained.

July 20, 7:21 p.m. Officers received a report of aggressive dogs running loose on the golf course. Animal control officers chased the dogs to a home’s back gate, where the homeowner lets the dogs in and then slammed the gate in officers’ faces.

July 20, 8:53 p.m. Officers pulled over a white Lamborghini that was traveling 124 miles an hour. The vehicle was not registered and was impounded by officers.

July 21, 12:26 a.m. Officers received a report that someone had slashed all four tires of a vehicle and broken the passenger window. There were no witnesses or surveillance equipment used in the area.

July 21, 11:55 a.m. Officers received a report about people pulling off of U.S. Highway 93 and chasing nearby sheep.

July 21, 2:55 p.m. Officers received a call about an 11-year-old boy who had fallen at the splash pad at Veterans’ Memorial Park and cut his head. Upon arriving, they didn’t see any noticeable defects, and it appeared the water had caused the boy to slip.

July 21, 10:49 p.m. A man in Germany called the department to report that his father was taken to Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center by a man who was claiming to be his guardian and was attempting to get power of attorney to sell the man’s possessions and home. Another son was expected to arrive in town from Oregon in a day or two, and the caller requested that officers check on the property until he could arrive. Officers did not see anything suspicious when they arrived at the man’s home.

July 22, 6:18 a.m. A caller reported that a large branch from a tree had fallen and was blocking the road on Avenue H. The city’s public works department was called and arrived on scene about 15 minutes later to remove the branch.

July 22, 11:50 a.m. Officers received a report of a motorcycle traveling more than 100 mph in the emergency lane.

July 22, 2:21 p.m. Officers were called to the long-term care facility at Boulder City Hospital after a resident reported money was missing. After investigating, officers learned there was an outing to a casino where the resident lost $135 to the “video games.” All money was accounted for.

Smooth transition to cell pouches

It’s been nearly a month since the Clark County School District-imposed use of cell phone pouches was implemented and so far, in in Boulder City at least, things have gone smoothly.

Is it OK for me to build an addition onto my house?

Over the past week, city staff has been touting (via social media) new exterior design guidelines for properties in the Historic District. The guidelines were adopted by the Historic Preservation Commission back in May of this year.

Fire destroys transformer

Last Thursday night, a large plume of smoke could easily be seen, not only in Boulder City, but Henderson residents reported seeing it as well.

Council votes unanimously to remove fence

Getting a permit for something like a fence in your front yard may seem like a contrivance. Intrusive government and all that. But, here’s the deal, deciding to bypass that step may end up meaning you have to tear that fence out at your own expense.

Abused puppy on the mend

The felony animal cruelty investigation by the Boulder City Police Department continues regarding a 10-week-old puppy that was brutally beaten and maimed earlier this month.

Poll: Public strongly backs tougher leash law

When the Review decided to put a question about leash laws on social media and to solicit comments, the level of response was a bit overwhelming. The question elicited nearly 100 comments and the ratio was more than 10-1 in favor of enacting a stricter leash law.

City Council defies SNWA

In what came as a bit of a surprise to some observers, the city council voted unanimously this week to move forward with a turf reduction program at the Municipal Golf Course that will see the facility use about 20% more water than allowed under their own ordinance passed in 2022.

Utilities director outlines state of compliance

In scheduling that some might call ironic, immediately after approving a plan that would see the Municipal Golf Course continue to use 20% more water than allowed by law, the city council heard a presentation from Utilities Director Joseph Stubitz in which he outlined just how serious the drought is and how the city is working to comply with state law by removing turf from city parks and from areas surrounding city buildings.

Richardson puts police skills to good use

It may sound like a riddle, but Pat Richardson is not a police officer yet he works for the department. He doesn’t seek out illegal activities, but he can issues citations.