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Lake Mead/Hoover Dam

Poll: Water supply tops Nevadans’ concerns

Ensuring there is enough water for the future is top of mind for the vast majority of residents in the nation’s driest state, according to a new bipartisan survey released Feb. 15.

Wet winter likely to boost lakes’ levels

One of the Colorado River’s two major reservoirs is expected to collect better than average runoff this year, thanks to an unusually wet La Niña pattern that dropped a deluge of snow up and down the basin.

Nevada, Arizona bear brunt of California plan to save water

California has laid out its own proposal for how the seven states that rely on the Colorado River should conserve water, releasing its plan one day after the other six states sent their own joint proposal to the federal government.

Proposal aims to protect river

Six out of seven Colorado River basin states have settled on a proposed set of cuts aimed at saving the crumbling river system and preventing Lake Mead and Lake Powell from crashing — with one very notable state missing from the agreement: California.