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Which comes first, principle or commerce?

The attempt by Republican members of the Nevada Legislature to use government to permit discrimination against gays under the guise of religious freedom appears to have come to an end. I say “appears” because the closing days of most legislatures produce some surprises, and there’s always the chance the bills could be revived then under some parliamentary machinations.

Bruises inspire greater DIY projects

If you bump into me in the next couple of weeks, don’t be surprised if I happen to be sporting a bandage or two, or am limping a bit.

Initiative would close tax-hike loophole

It’s a law of human nature. If you give students a week to complete a term paper, they will take the full week to complete the term paper. If you give those same students a month, they’ll take the full month.

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Everyone needs chance to leave legacy like Lincoln

Tuesday marked the 150th anniversary of the assassination of our nation’s 16th president, Abraham Lincoln.

Goofs, goons deterrent bill long overdue

It was 22 years ago this month. A couple from California was visiting Las Vegas. They walked near a union picket line in front of the then-Frontier Hotel. Crazed picketers launched into a verbal assault on the couple. When the woman took offense, she was punched in the face. When her husband came to her defense, he had a beer mug smashed across his skull.

Recognition may — or may not — state the obvious

I always tell myself it’s the last time I will write about State Things, but something always comes along to return me to the topic. Truth to tell, I love writing about them.

Winds bring big changes for city

In countless old movies I have seen, strong winds changing the direction of a weather vane are a clue that something momentous is about to happen.

Reid announcement occasion for more bile

The day Harry Reid announced his retirement, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch told a radio reporter, “Reid is one of my friends, but he’s been a pathetic majority leader as far as I’m concerned. He thought he was doing right by protecting his side, but I think the American people resented him because he got nothing done.”

Citizens needed to ax tax now

In case you’re still not sure whether Gov. Brian Sandoval’s billion-dollar giga-tax hike is not only a bad idea but completely unnecessary, conservatives in the state Assembly have removed all doubt.

A few bad tomatoes don’t ruin entire salad

I’ve heard it said that looking into someone’s refrigerator can provide great insight into that person’s life — especially when it comes to relationships.

Discovery about power bill’s high cost is shocking

When it comes to electricity generation and transmission, I don’t know a kilowatt from J.J. Watt. But I do know this: If the government gets involved, someone’s going to get shocked.

Reid anoints his own candidates

Harry Reid’s decision to retire from Congress turned attention immediately to his replacements, not least because he himself promptly tried to influence his successors both as senator and as Democratic floor leader.