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Politicians should not make assumptions

Back in the 1970s there was a report that U.S. Rep. David Towell, who served one term as a Republican U.S. House member from Nevada, sent out a questionnaire on current issues and got one surprising result. In those days, the state had only one U.S. House member, so such a mailing went to every Nevada household.

Eloquent or not, Fiore stands by sentiment

Liberals are having a veritable cow after The New York Times printed the following quote by conservative Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, R-Clark, with regard to the reintroduction of her campus carry bill.

Middle-age pain knocks out teenage angst

Just the other day, I woke up and was surprised by how stiff and sore my muscles were. I didn’t remember doing anything out of the ordinary or strenuous the day before.

Free speech victory leaves more work to be done

My nonprofit grass roots advocacy organization recently won a huge free speech victory in a Nevada Supreme Court case, but the work of defending our First Amendment rights against government infringement marches on.

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Democrats missed chance to redraw district lines

Nevada Democrats in the legislature are affecting anger over a possible Republican plan to redistrict and reapportion districts six years early.

Being lucky in love is best luck of all

Are you suddenly avoiding black cats, tall ladders or broken mirrors? Have you found yourself throwing salt over your left shoulder just in case? Or knocking on wood?

Cherry-picking science can injure children

In the 1920s, Albert Einstein admitted he made a mistake in his great theory of relativity. He admitted another error in 1938.

Nevada’s biggest myth debunked

So there’s Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, leprechauns, mermaids, and, of course, the space aliens hidden at Area 51.

Buffett’s songs offer buffet of wisdom

The other night I was driving home and a song came on the radio that made me smile. It was “Come Monday” by Jimmy Buffett.

Sandoval’s bluff on budget challenge answered

Do you know the most outrageous thing about Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval’s (R&R Partners) billion-dollar tax hike proposal?

Journalists fail war on drugs — then and now

In 1979, the Nevada Legislature made medical use of marijuana legal in the state. Although little remembered today, this law was on the books until 1987. It was repealed after nationwide hysteria over drugs generated by President Ronald Reagan, other poorly informed politicians, and irresponsible media. Bad journalism is basic to bad policies.