Boulder City Elks Lodge will host its annual Elks Soccer Shoot Aug. 21-24.
At the same time Boulder City is hosting its soccer clinics, the Elks will also be at Veterans’ Memorial Park to encourage children to participate in its soccer shoot.
The event, which begins at 6 p.m. each of the four days, is open to boys and girls, who shoot separately. Registration takes place at the event.
The Elks Soccer Shoot program consists of contests that test skills at different ages and levels of ability. Children ages 7 and younger are in group U-8; children ages 8 and 9 are in group U-10; children 10 and 11 are in group U-12; and children 12 and 13 are in group U-14.
The U-8 contestants kick 15 feet from the face of the goal, while the other contestants kick 18 feet from the goal.
Awards will be presented to the top three girls and boys in each division. An awards dinner will be held at the Boulder City Elks at a future date.
Volunteers also are needed to assist at this event. Contact Evelyn at 702-812-8520 or John at 702-556-5800, or email the Elks at bcelks1682@yahoo.com for further information.