Spragno volleyball team nets title
The Boulder City Parks and Recreation’s women’s fall volleyball league concluded Nov. 15 with a new champion, Spragno Appraisals.
The top-seeded Boulder Dam Credit Union was eliminated by Boulder City Real Estate in the semi-final game 25-15 and 25-18 and then Spragno Appraisals swept Boulder City Real Estate in two games 25-13, 25-19 for the championship, according to Kelly Lehr, sports coordinator for the department.
Spragno Appraisals is comprised mainly of Boulder City High School alumni that continue to participate in adult sports and activities within the community.
Team members are Samantha Hanson, Kaylin Peay, Brooke Levengood, Hunter Spragno, Aubri Spragno, Eva Uiutolo, Alexis Vallejo-Clark and Azure Wood.