Youth floor hockey season begins
Floor hockey has begun at the Boulder City Parks and Recreation Department. The 2019 kindergarten through second-grade floor hockey season began Saturday, Jan. 26, with opening ceremonies led by Boys Scout Pack 30, Troop 7, and honoring this year’s sponsor: Boulder City Sunrise Rotary Club.
Tom Novatney, a past Rotary district governor, attended along with Jeff Breeden, president of Boulder City Sunrise Rotary, Cyndi Anderson, president-elect, and club members in red shirts. City Councilwoman Peggy Leavitt came to show her support as well, said Kelly Lehr, sports coordinator for the department.
The league has 10 teams — four kindergarten and six first- through second-grade teams. Games begin at 9 a.m. every Saturday in the old gymnasium and will be played through mid-March.
The third- through sixth-grade hockey clinic will be held at 9 and 10 a.m. Feb. 16 in the new gymnasium. Games will begin in mid-March and be played on Monday and Wednesday evenings through April.