Big scores shake up men’s basketball league
The Boulder City Parks and Recreation Department’s men’s recreational winter basketball league has begun its second round of play. Slow and Steady has taken the lead with Boulder Dam Credit Union and Flight S2S right behind.
Big scoring efforts this week came from Jason Cross from The Katz (36 points), Sheldon Hutchins from Slow and Steady (35 points), Dave Murtha from Flight S2S (34 points), Ryan McQuillan from B.C. Kids (33 points) and Rob Sandoval from Flight S2S (32 points), contributing to the change in standings, according to Kelly Lehr, the city’s sports coordinator.
The league plays Tuesdays and Thursdays through the second week of March at the department’s new gymnasium. Games start at 7 p.m.
League standings: Slow and Steady 6-2; Boulder Dam Credit Union 5-3; Flight S2S 5-3; B.C. Kids 4-3; Woodbury Law 3-5; The Katz 3-5; Judge Joe’s Jury 1-6.
Registration underway for kickball league
Registrations are now being accepted for the adult kickball league. Games will begin at the end of February on Sunday evenings at the ballfields at Hemenway Valley Park. The league is coed, and it is looking for new teams for fun weekend competition, Lehr said.
Department to kick off indoor, sand volleyball games
The department’s adult women’s indoor volleyball season begins with a manager meeting at 7 p.m. Feb. 26. Games are played on Monday evenings in the new gymnasium, with the season starting March 12.
This year, the parks and recreation department is introducing an adult coed sand tournament the second week of May. It will be hosted at Veterans’ Memorial Park’s sand volleyball courts. Each team must have two men and two women on the court to play. A meeting for team managers will be held at 7 p.m. April 26 at the Parks and Recreation building, 900 Arizona St.
For more information, call Kelly Lehr at 702-293-9254.
Ceremonies kick off youth floor hockey season
Youth floor hockey is underway. The season began with an opening ceremony. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cub Scout Pack 30 and Boy Scout Troop 7, followed by eight teams parading in new uniforms that were sponsored by the Boulder City Sunrise Rotary Club. The first puck was dropped by Junior Golden Knights player Conner McLeod, who began his hockey career in the city’s floor hockey league and now is competing on the Junior Golden Knights team in Las Vegas.
Floor hockey games are played at 11 a.m. Saturdays in the old gymnasium and will run through mid-March.
Registration for the floor hockey program for third- through sixth-graders continues to the last skill clinic date, which is Feb. 22. Games will be played at 5:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays starting March 14.