Men’s basketball league leaders tied with 4-1 records
Boulder City Park and Recreation Department’s men’s basketball league is underway with Boulder Dam Credit Union and Henderson’s Slow and Steady leading the way with 4-1 records.
The league finished its third week of play with high-scoring leaders Austin Newby (The Katz) and Brian Alder (Woodbury Law) with 27 points, Brigham Church (Woodbury Law) with 26 points, and Tyler Newby (The Katz) and Dave Murtha (Flight S2S) with 25 points apiece. Games continue Tuesday and Thursday evenings through February.
League standings:
Boulder Dam Credit Union 4-1; Slow and Steady 4-1; The Katz 3-2; Flight S2S 2-2; Woodbury Law 2-2; Judge Joe’s Jury 1-3; B.C. Kids 1-3.
Department will start kickball league
The parks and recreation department will host a kickball league at the end of February. Games will be played Sunday evenings at the ball fields at Hemenway Valley Park. Any interested teams should contact Kelly Lehr, sports coordinator, at 702-293-9254.
Youth basketball fields 11 teams
Youth recreation basketball games are played at recreation department’s gymnasiums Monday through Thursday through Feb. 12. The league has four fifth- through seventh-grade boys teams, and three fifth- through seventh-grade girls teams playing 3-on-3, and four third- and fourth-grade coed teams. They are all proving to be competitive, educational and fun, said department Sports Coordinator Kelly Lehr.
The teams are being sponsored by Boulder Dam Credit Union, Boulder Concrete, Hoover Dam Lodge and Big O Tires, and are coached by past and present basketball players from Boulder City High School.
Floor hockey for kindergarten through second begins Saturday
The kindergarten through second-grade floor hockey leagues are practicing for hockey’s opening day Saturday, Jan. 27. A junior Golden Knights player will drop the first puck at 11 a.m.
Sponsored by Boulder City Sunrise Rotary Club, this year’s league has three kindergarten teams and five first-second-grade teams. They will be competing Saturday mornings and early afternoons through March 17.
This is the 41st year Boulder City has offered this coed sport.