Resident agrees with editorial

Resident agrees with editorial

It was refreshing to read Bill Evans’ commentary in the Aug. 15 BC Review. The opinions of non-residents of our town are important, especially because of our tourism-based local economy and the increasing incidence of boarded up businesses. I think that Mr. Evans is right on the money.

Consider the following:

Most bars and restaurants here don’t have free Wifi for their customers. Spend a day in Las Vegas or Henderson and there is free Wifi virtually everywhere. Wifi is so universally common now that many consider it to be akin to a utility. But not in Boulder City.

The United Methodist Church proposal to build affordable senior housing here in town in my humble opinion was a win/win scenario for Boulder City. Housing prices in BC are ridiculous, especially for seniors living on a fixed income. The UMC proposal would have helped to somewhat alleviate that issue, but many people worried about “druggies and welfare cases” moving in to “Section 8 housing.” Totally unrealistic.

Yes, Mr. Evans. I like the old classics and am admittedly addicted to Pink Floyd. But every so often when I’m driving with the top down, I’ll put in a CD of No More Kings or another newer band just to stay current. Boulder City could still reflect old-town charm while staying current with today’s tech and new social norms. You can’t listen to the Beach Boys forever.

Matt Di Teresa,

Boulder City

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