Study issues, candidates before heading to polls

You can disagree with me, but since we’re all human, and we live in societies governed by humans, we should attempt to discuss issues with each other. We won’t always agree, but we should take a stab at learning what we have in common before we refuse to take the time to dismiss each other’s positions.

From the time we are infants, we learn we can’t have everything we want all the time or whenever we want it. Some of us get better at accepting this than others. Some of us don’t accept this at all. Problems arise when one person takes the ball and goes home.

Let’s imagine we are all adults who know how to speak to each other and discuss issues. Oh, wait! Apparently, we are not all adults or we don’t know how to discuss issues without acting like whining babies since so many politicians are stomping their feet and crying these days. Congress has gotten to the point where they take a vote not to discuss an issue! And we pay these folks not to talk to each other?

Every day I speak to folks who don’t share my beliefs on countless topics, yet we have intelligent conversations, work together and get things done without our differences even surfacing. What we’re doing is not magic, nor is it an illusion: This is what rational, thinking, caring adult humans do if they want to have a better community, solve problems and make friends and influence people. If individuals can work together, so can politicians, unless, of course, they are not human, in which case, you’ve got problems. No, not every politician is from outer space, but at times I wonder from what planet some of these folks came. Don’t expect me to point a finger at particular politicians. You’ve got to look into your heart and mind and come up with your conclusions, not mine. But any time you want to know what I think, you can ask me. I love to share.

There are many things I don’t like about government bureaucracy, but I like to think I work toward changing what I don’t like. Policies, procedures, laws and rules don’t need to change just for the sake of change, either. I want change for a reason: The new way is less expensive or less time consuming, or will benefit more people.

We’ve got an election coming up on Nov. 4. I’m not feeling the excitement, folks. I’m seeing a few things on Facebook about defeating Question 3, which is The Education Initiative, and I see some ads for candidates, but where is the urgency, the enthusiasm, the will to support candidates who will solve problems?

What do you want in a candidate? Are you looking for more of what you’ve had the last four years or is there something you’d like to change? Is more talk and discussion between political parties what you’d like to see, or are you satisfied to live with filibusters, no action and shutting down a bureaucracy you don’t like?

I know folks don’t like or want new or more taxes, but if you want teachers who might be better paid in classrooms that are not portables or overcrowded in order to better educate our kids, then you might want to do some research on what The Education Initiative is all about. Don’t simply dismiss or vote for this question because someone told you it will be catastrophic for business or it will save education.

If you Google The Education Initiative Question 3, you can read the pros and cons on this question, see how much money is being spent on both sides, what the initiative might or might not do, what the polls are saying and much more. Spend a little time doing some research. Read for yourself what both sides are offering, not just one.

Don’t stop researching with Question 3. All the candidates have websites. Check them out.

The ball is in your court. Research as much as you can and talk to people you may not agree with. Figure out what you know in your heart and head is a reasonable choice and base that choice on facts, not only opinions. Then make up your mind and vote on Nov. 4. Get excited. You can fix anything with your actions.

Rose Ann Miele is a journalist and was public information officer for Boulder City for nine years. She can be reached at or at 702-347-9924.

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