Getting angry not enough, do something about it

You know how we go through the day, and then someone does something really stupid, and we get angry? Let’s talk about some of those things.

People who drink and drive make me want to scream. I guess these folks figure they’ve done it before so they can get away with it again and again. When they finally get stopped, someone is usually dead or injured and there is a lot of collateral damage left in the accident’s aftermath. The drunk might serve some jail time, get his or her license suspended, pay a fine or attend classes but that usually doesn’t stop him or her from driving. It would be interesting to know how many folks are driving with suspended licenses.

So what do we do about this? Maybe we should do a better job of educating folks that they don’t need alcohol to enjoy themselves. Perhaps folks should be reminded that vomiting while being incoherent isn’t exactly the most enjoyable activity for a Saturday night. Or maybe we need to flood the TV channels with commercials showing the dead bodies after an accident. Those showing the “beautiful people” enjoying themselves while drinking responsibly are but a fantasy. The tragedy and death of drinking and driving is the real deal.

Ah, but wait. We’re not going to get real commercials because they’re not selling anything or making money for anyone. We’ve touched upon another thing that makes me angry: making money at all costs, consequences be damned!

I’ve seen a TV commercial where a child extols all the wonderful things her mother does while working for “The Wonderful Company.” There is no denying that this company and many others like it do “wonderful” things to improve the quality of life for many, yet many of these “outstanding contributors to society” reward executives with outrageous bonuses at the expense of employees.

We’re supposed to think that these companies can do no wrong because they provide some good. Rewarding a few at the expense of the many is not good. It is plain selfish and mean and heartless.

Companies and executives are making profits, cutting employees, enjoying tax breaks and living the good life while millions all over the world toil to make a living.

Greed and selfishness make me angry.

You can only live in one house at a time, drive one car at a time, wear one mink coat at a time and enjoy one yacht at a time. How many of these things does one person need? Have people no consideration or compassion for others? Is there no sense of investing in a community? If wealthy people can invest wisely in financial holdings, why can’t they invest in people?

All throughout human history, men and nations have profited from the exploitation of others, so what I believe we are experiencing in today’s world is far from new. Today, the world exploits the less fortunate on a much larger scale and everyone knows about it, thanks to the advances in technology.

I’m angry about how we treat each other. I’m angry about our lack of concern about each other. I’m angry about our lack of responsibility toward our neighbors and our community.

Before you get angry, let me say that there are many all over the world and in Boulder City who do care and work toward investing in the community and individuals, but we allow a culture of disregard, greed and heartlessness to surround us.

If we care about our children, get angry and fix the educational system. If we want companies to be fair to their employees, get angry and stop buying their products. There are plenty of other brands out there. If we want responsive politicians, get angry and vote them out when they are not. If we want to help veterans, get angry and take off the flag lapel pin and demand services.

If you want something, get angry and do something about it. Turn off the TV, put down that drink that could cause you a whole lot of trouble and make noise with your actions. You might have to pay a price for all this anger, but the rewards could be priceless.

Rose Ann Miele is a journalist and was public information officer for Boulder City for nine years. She can be reached at or at 702-347-9924.

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