By the time this issue hits people’s driveways and newsstands Thursday morning, our candidate forum, held Wednesday night, will be just a recent memory.
When combined with the stories that are featured on page 6 about James Howard Adams and Cokie Booth, who are seeking the sole remaining open seat on City Council, and the municipal ballot questions, it is my hope that you will be able to head to the polls with enough information to make a decision you are comfortable with when casting your votes.
These are not always easy decisions to make. Fortunately for us, there have been ample opportunities to meet with the candidates in person and learn more about them and their stance on issues of importance.
I have seen and met with the candidates at various events throughout the community. And, from what I have witnessed, they are always happy and ready to chat with anyone who approaches them. That’s a good indication of how approachable they will be if elected, and how willing they are to listen to their constituents’ concerns.
There also have been meet-and-greet events, additional stories in our paper and notices on social media where the candidates have been able to share their points of view since the beginning of their campaigns.
Information about the ballot questions is out there, too. It just takes a bit more effort to find as questions can’t attend functions like the candidates.
County, state and national candidates who are on the ballot also have been out meeting with constituents and sharing their viewpoints in countless ways. If you watch television, it seems that nearly every commercial is for or against one particular candidate, followed by another that espouses the opposing candidate/viewpoint.
All of this information, coming from seemingly every direction, can be overwhelming despite its importance and relevance. It also seems never-ending.
The recent change in the municipal election schedule from odd to even years to coincide with presidential and midterm state and federal elections — in an effort to increase participation — has stretched this year’s political season.
Nearly 11 months before the Nov. 8 election, Boulder City saw its first candidate declare his intention to run for office when, on Dec. 23, current mayor-elect and Sen. Joe Hardy announced he planned to seek the municipal leadership spot.
But the end is in sight. The general election is less than a month away and early voting begins Oct. 22 in Clark County and Nov. 1 in Boulder City.
All of the campaigning and election hoopla indicates just one thing: the importance of voting. Just like it takes many drops of water to fill a lake, it takes many single votes to get a person into office or a ballot question passed/defeated. Whether you choose to vote early, on Election Day, in person or by mail, make your opinion heard.
Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.