Police officer grateful
for support, ability to serve
In many places in our country, police officers put on their badge to serve communities that hate them. They work with citizens that may assume they are racist, uncaring and out to get them. Some officers have to get up in the morning knowing that they better watch their back because if they are in trouble, no one would support them, except maybe their fellow officers.
As a Boulder City Police officer, just this morning within the first five minutes of being out in the community, I counted five friendly waves, four good mornings, and even one thank you for your service.
I often go to Starbucks to pay for my drink and the cashier tells me that someone else in the store, sometimes anonymously, already paid for it.
I had so much fun working the Fourth of July parade this year. I shook hands and spoke with many of you and your families. I got to hand out candy and stickers to your children and all of you were kind and respectful to me. It felt like home.
I cant express in words the gratitude I have for citizens in this community. Thank you for making me want to come to work and serve you. Know that I and my brothers and sisters in blue want to keep our community safe and friendly, we are here for you, and are grateful you support us.
Officer Tiffany Driscoll
Rally shows appreciation
for local police officers
On Sunday, July 17, in the late afternoon I participated in a little rally at the corner of Nevada Way in front of Frank Crowe Park. This made my day.
We all should give thanks to our men and women in blue. I do; every time I see an officer in uniform I proudly walk over to shake their hand and say Thank for your service.
Larry Hunt
New sod at cemetery beautiful
The Edelstein family would like to thank the hard-working employees at our Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery. On Tuesday they worked their tails off laying down new grass sod in the AF section.
My mom and many others now have the beautiful resting place they deserve.
Thank you to the men and women that keep our veterans cemetery looking so nice.
Mike, Mary and Sam Edelstein