Rants family appreciates support
I can’t tell you how comforting it is to know how many people loved Jack (Rants). He truly was a special person. He was on this earth to help and serve others. He did this the best way he knew how. He loved everyone and only saw the good in them.
The family wants to thank everyone for the kindness shown to us during this time.
Dorothy Rants
Act now to preserve historic water filtration plant
Boulder City is losing its history. Recently lost — the Six Companies Hospital — sold to a local developer who demolished it. Now, it’s a weed factory, a structure that was on the National Register of Historic Places, the official list of cultural resources, worthy of preservation. History gone.
Now we’re faced with losing the historic water filtration plant, community gardens and Reflections park, the latter two built/maintained by volunteers and donations of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The sale of the facility was to be placed on a ballot, but City Council delayed that decision due to a deed technicality.
The developers, who wish to open, in their words, an “upscale micro brewery,” already have employees working inside the water filtration plant. Boulder City Historic Preservation Committee member Ray Turner filmed them at work. They spoke to him and Libby Powell stating the developer is opening a restaurant there.
Why was the Boulder City Historic Preservation Committee kept in the dark about this major project quietly being done in arguably one of the most historic structures in Boulder City? Is it being sold “under the table”? Don’t citizens have the right to know what’s going on with their historic properties?
The Boulder City History & Arts Foundation proposes to restore the building and create a historic park, Reflections Center Park. A very generous Boulder City resident has donated a complete new roof valued at $50,000, with work scheduled to start July 18.
This demonstrates that generous donors are willing to step up to help fund the preservation effort for this important building for the benefit of the whole community. If you are as outraged as I am about this, please raise your voices at City Council meetings and write letters to council members. Remember what happened to the historic old hospital.
Marilyn Burger
Editor’s note: According to City Manager Al Noyola, the city is not entertaining anything with the sale or lease of the property. He did say that the city is going to have someone fix the roof, and they have been working inside fixing some vandalism.
Next generation merits support
I hope I am not too far out of line now, but my complaints are real.
All of us from Boulder City are aware of the high percentage of the retirees, like 47 percent. We have retirees that we just love, and they have surely brought something to the table. These retirees that I am talking about are the ones that lived here, raised their families here, worked here, stayed here and retired here. Absolutely great.
We also have the folks that come here solely to get our help for retirees — after selling their homes in Detroit, Chicago, Boston, California and many more (places). (They come) purely for the reason to retire here. They arrive here with plenty of money and now are members of the Boulder City retirees club.
My problem is that they don’t do anything that I am aware of to help out the kids trying to grow up here in Boulder City, even something simple as a fundraiser for the kids.
We are more than fortunate for folks like Laura Leach and we used to have Jack Gaal and his group. Let’s try to do something to help the kids out this summer and during the school year. I know you have raised your kids, maybe you can give a little help raising ours.
Charles “Pepper” Coombes
Protect pets from fireworks
With the Fourth of July rapidly approaching, Phantom Fireworks would like to remind our friends and customers that some pets adversely react to the lights and noise of fireworks. With a little extra effort, our pets can be spared from the trauma they sometimes experience from fireworks.
Phantom Fireworks asks that you please be mindful of the following:
Keep your pets indoors during fireworks displays.
Turn on the TV or radio and air conditioning to help mask the noise of the fireworks. Keep pets in a soothing, dark room with light jazz or classical music playing. The idea is to muffle the fireworks’ noise with something soothing. Close draperies to help soundproof the residence.
Many suggest walking or exercising the pet prior to the fireworks in an effort to tire out the pet in the hopes the pet will sleep through the fireworks.
Be home or have someone at home indoors with the pet to offer encouragement and support.
Close all windows and doors and block pet doors to prevent escape.
You could try distracting the pet as soon as the fireworks begin by involving the pet in something enjoyable like fetch.
Prepare a safe area where the pet can “burrow in” to feel safe. Maybe some blankets under a bed or a blanket draped over a small table. Play a radio near that area. Feeding in the area will help the pet associate the area with good things.
Do not take your animal to a fireworks show or let the pet outdoors while fireworks are being used.
You might consider consulting with your veterinarian several weeks before fireworks season. Some pets may require sedation. The veterinarian could suggest some behavior modification techniques.
Phantom Fireworks hopes you enjoy the Independence Day holiday safely and show courtesy and compassion to your pets and animals.
Bill Weimer
Vice president,
Phantom Fireworks