Letters to the Editor

Thanks from Angel Tree

Another holiday season is coming to a close and the Angel Tree committee of Boulder City Emergency Aid completed another successful day of giving.

The committee was able to fulfill gift requests for 60 bikes and bags of gifts for 115 kids from 53 local families and 178 local seniors.

A big thank you to all individuals and groups that contributed gifts, cash and gift cards to our efforts. Also provided to our kids and seniors were donated books, warm weather accessories, toys, and personal care items.

The Boulder City community came together to support our Angel Tree efforts, and we thank you.

The Angel Tree Committee

Boulder City

Should have known better

In the police blog this week, it states that a councilmember was lighting off illegal fireworks after being reported by two of their neighbors. With the countywide crackdown supposedly being in place, why weren’t they fined like everyone else should be and probably would have been? Being a representative of our city, they absolutely know better.

Shelli O’Donnell

Boulder City

Same rules for all?

This is in regard to fireworks being set off near the BC golf course on New Year’s Eve. It appears as though it was at the home of one of our city council members. Every day we read about national and state politicians practicing the old “do as we say, not as we do” routine. I guess the same thinking also applies to our small town as well. I’m not disappointed that the paper didn’t disclose their name. We’ll find out who it is when they issue a public apology. Should we hold our breath for that to happen, or will it be “rules for thee, but not for me?”

Jerry Berg

Boulder City

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