Appointment showed council members’ hypocrisy
What hypocrites!
After a campaign run on valuing our historic preservation, some of our council members spinelessly caved at the first opportunity to act. When appointing the next Historic Preservation Committee member, these council members ignored the fact that Hillary Brimhall was the most qualified applicant, a trusted member of our community and the only applicant that lives in our historic district.
Unfortunately, our current Historic Preservation Committee, Planning Commission and City Council lack representation from the homeowners within the historic district. Our council had an opportunity to give them a seat at the table but cowardly pandered to an organization instead. Shame on those council members for not valuing the voice of those who live in our historic district.
Placing one’s ties to an alliance over what is right for our community is exactly what some council members ran their accusatory and negative campaign on. Silly hypocrites.
But we shouldn’t be shocked as we have elected people with “opinions” rather than leaders with vision and values. Hopefully we can do better as our community moves forward.
Fritz McDonald
Jennings’ comments appreciated
Please give us more Dan Jennings type articles and less Rose Ann Miele “can’t we all just get along” junk?
John Ryan