Pledge weds City Council candidates to alliance, its causes
This resident would like to know if the City Council candidates who signed the (Boulder City Community) Alliance’s pledge know they have entrapped themselves into a political group which allegedly has Boulder City’s best interests at heart.
The signing of the pledge was to wed candidates to the alliance’s cause and make them subject to whatever agenda it puts forth. If one does not do their bidding, then one has left himself open to losing the support or even be blackmailed into the alliance’s bidding not only during the election but also while in office.
The city has ordinances, county and state laws our City Council persons are to follow. This reader is not so sure the pledge signing was not a ruse to set the alliance’s dictates above the aforementioned legalities enacted within the dictates of the voters.
I do believe residents need to have their voices heard and actions of their chosen council persons to reflect the will of the community at large. Recently, it seems our voices have been stifled by limited input and open dialogue into the decision-making process or overriding resident concerns.
The dull knife in the drawer doesn’t have to know much to discern if potential council persons wouldn’t sign the pledge, then they would not receive endorsement from the alliance.
I have found the one person who stated he only makes pledges to the flag of the USA refreshing. I now have new respect for Cam Walker, who must know where his allegiances lie and also didn’t sign. Perhaps the wisest of the candidates was former city councilman and former mayor Eric Lundgaard, who declined to attend at all.
Since the sword cuts both ways, it is hoped the next candidates night will be the candidates to the residents.
Caroline Martin
It’s inevitable that city will grow
Boulder City: To grow or not to grow, that is the question. Yes, we must and will grow. But how do we control that growth?
Many years ago, I was visiting the offices of the Las Vegas Sun, and I passed by the desk of executive editor Mike O’Callaghan, who was once governor of Nevada. I said hello and added some small talk. I was in a reminiscent mood, and I commented that when I moved to Las Vegas in 1977, it was still relatively a small town, and I liked it better that way.
He thundered back at me, “What do we do? Close the gate after you get out here?” (I wondered to myself if he used this same finesse when he once met with Howard Hughes.)
I had to admit that he made a point, albeit in a somewhat rough manner and crude style of communicating. We all want things to remain just as they are in our very own personal spheres of comfort. But such is not life as we know it.
For those who didn’t want the age of technology and computers, it is here nonetheless. For those of us who didn’t want a ballooning population of several million in Clark County, it came all the same.
When I was 25 years old and I was in the jet set, I would have liked to close the gate on Father Time. But the clock ticks on.
Bobby Morrow
Principal, school deserve thanks for quieting rattling chains
My name is Tatyana Neilson. I moved here in October 2016 from Las Vegas and live on Avenue B.
From the first night I had horrible days living next to the middle school. I understand that it is a school and I have to be patient with kids and loud music during school hours. But one big problem was loose chains on the metal poles in the playground.
Can you imagine, when it is a windy day and night, how much noise those loose chains make bouncing on the metal poles? It sounded like somebody was rattling chains in a cemetery at night, like being invaded by ghosts.
There was no time to rest. You wake up with a headache.
I work at home. I wake up at 4:45 a.m. and had no rest.
I went to Mitchell Elementary School and talked to Principal Benjamin B. Day. He was nice, but he did not take my complaint seriously. He said that nobody had complained in the 13 years he worked there.
But that was not the point for me. I wanted to have a quiet and peaceful night’s rest.
I went to the school a couple of more times, sent them a couple of letters with ideas, and finally Ben Day made a good decision to fix the problem. After three long months, they fixed the poles.
I want to give big thanks from me, my husband and all my neighbors. Now we have relaxing, quiet nights. Now we can rest at home, and I can work at home.
Tatyana Neilson