Letters to the Editor

Family grateful for kind thoughts

To the many friends in Boulder City and the National Park Service, I thank you so much for your kindnesses, thoughts and prayers during this sad time of the passing on of my daughter Leslie Paige. Her siblings Jan Shomsky (Pete), Greg (Lisa), Robert (Margie), and Ronald (Brenda), are grateful for your sharing of our grief and sorrow.

She loved Boulder City, the National Park Service and all the people she met there during her life as wife, mother and enthusiastic employee.

Gertrude Paige

Article on electric utility raises good questions

Thank you for the excellent article by Byron James in last week’s paper on our electric utility. He raises important questions about why we need this rate increase, especially when our utility’s “revenue exceed costs by $2 million a year.”

I hope our City Council will work with Mr. James on his suggestions; the proposed forensic accountant sounds like a great place to start. Maybe the Boulder City Review will also investigate where the money went. I’m sure your readers would be very interested.

We are lucky to have someone with Mr. James’ expertise in town.

Nicola Collins

Work of Coast Guard members appreciated

​I recently watched “The Guardian” movie again.

I appreciate all the armed forces people, police, fire and first responders. I just wanted to say a special thanks to the Coast Guard. I think we sometimes forget about all the good things they do.

Thank you, Coast Guard.

Christy Springgate-Hill

Visitor center funding a great example of community outreach

The Nevada State Railroad Museum in Boulder City received funding of $469,000 from the Tourism Department for the development and construction of a proposed 6,000-square-foot building at Nevada Highway and Buchanan Boulevard. This is a great example of the kind of communication and cooperation needed for our community to continue to improve the city.

Kudos to the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce and the Boulder City Economic Vitality Commission for the cooperation needed to bringing tourism and benefit from facilities when Interstate 11 is completed, bypassing the city.

Eric L. Lundgaard

Former mayor and councilman

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