Broadbent Memorial Park encompasses five acres of recreational facilities, including a swimming pool, tennis courts and green space for picnic and play areas. The Boulder City Pool offers healthy, affordable, enriching and fun programs.
The pool is enclosed by an air support structure (bubble) from September to May. On Friday, the pool will be closed until May 31 to remove the bubble and prepare for the summer. Residents can request a tour of the pool between May 24-27 by calling 702-293-9286 or after the pool reopens on Memorial Day.
After viewing a 40-plus-year-old pool, voters will understand why Boulder City needs a new pool.
The pool will be closed again for several weeks in September to reinstall the bubble.
Your yes vote on the pool questions can start the new pool project and enable the pool to offer year-round programs — no more bubble.
Plans for new pool include keeping the old pool operational while the new pool is constructed and then turning the old pool area into green space for Broadbent Park. Currently, the Boulder City Pool is only open four days (Monday-Thursday). Local lap swimmers and water exercisers wanting to practice on Friday, Saturday or Sunday need to call Henderson pools at midnight 48-plus hours before (their) desired time slot or it will be full. Henderson pools are full of their citizens and school kids; (there’s) no room for Boulder City swimmers.
The Boulder City swim coach, who has the most statewide wins, reports that when the swimming pool closes on May 14, the Boulder City High School’s exceptional swim team will have no place to practice because all available pools are booked until the end of the swim meet season. If the old pool fails any time during the year, the same problem will occur.
According to the Boulder City swim coach, the city would get more money if the pool was legal for swim meets. Clubs and the school district will pay Boulder City to use a pool that meets depth regulations. The Boulder City Henderson Heatwave swim team practices in the Boulder City Pool when possible. This competitive program develops physical fitness, confidence and self-discipline for swimmers 6-18 years of age.
Graduates of both the Boulder City High School swim team and the Boulder City Henderson Heatwave have earned numerous scholarships at colleges with swim teams, some have competed in the Olympics, others have careers coaching swimmers at prestigious universities.
The road to successfully funding a new pool requires yes votes on ballot question No. 1: capital improvement fund including solar lease money not to exceed $7 million and ballot question No. 2: Tract 350 land sale proceeds estimated at more than $10 million. These ballot questions will not raise taxes and will only fund the new swimming pool.
Go to www.bcnv.org/pool for more details on the road to funding a new pool
The pool committee, City Council and thousands of Boulder City residents of all ages value a community pool as an important asset. Patrons report many fun, happy times participating in pool programs.
During the month of April 2021, with limited hours, reservations required, temperatures taken, masks required when not in the water, attendance was 2,418. The Boulder City Pool is very busy with water exercise, lap swimming, lessons and a swim team. Thousands of children (birth-18) and thousands of adults (19-90-plus) have reported how the Boulder City Pool and programs have benefitted their lives.
A yes vote on ballot questions 1 and 2 to fund a new pool will save the city maintenance money as the current pool constantly requires work and repair. There are no workable alternatives to a centrally located and walkable pool for our children and residents. It has been suggested that our residents utilize Henderson’s pools, which are overcrowded and require driving. Lake Mead beaches require entrance fees or passes and are too cold for swimming six months of the year.
A new pool will make Boulder City a true community appealing to young families, middle-aged adults and seniors. A new pool will make Boulder City vibrant and our residents happy, fit and stress free.
A public information meeting regarding the pool ballot questions will be held at the Bicentennial Park gazebo, 999 Colorado St., on Thursday, May 20, from 6-8 p.m.
The opinions expressed above belong solely to the author and do not represent the views of the Boulder City Review. They have been edited solely for grammar, spelling and style, and have not been checked for accuracy of the viewpoints.
Valerie J. McNay, a 27-year resident of Boulder City, is a member of the city’s Swim &Trim Program, a former member of the Municipal Ad Hoc Pool Committee and participant in the swim-a-thon fundraiser for Emergency Aid of Boulder City.