As somewhat of a gearhead, I am fascinated with the newest technologies relating to electric-powered vehicles, otherwise known as EVs. Tesla is thought to be the leader in these technologies. Still, others, such as Hyundai, Honda, Toyota and Kia, along with the major car manufacturers in the USA, have been making significant strides in developing electric vehicles with outstanding performance.
The industry, however, has a long way to go to become a mainstream means of transportation for the average American commuter. The most significant hurdles with these vehicles are range and charging convenience, not to mention the cost. On average, the typical range of these cars is approximately 200 miles, and there aren’t enough charging stations to go around. The industry has not developed a standard for chargers, reminding us of the day of VHS or Betamax.
Our electrical grid is also a huge issue. There isn’t enough power available to take on this increased demand. California has proclaimed that all vehicles sold in the state by 2035 be electric and asked residents not to charge EVs because of potential blackouts.
You can’t make this stuff up. Until they figure out those issues, the EVs of the future will remain in the future. The real question is, why do we have EVs in the first place? Don’t gasoline or diesel-powered cars and trucks work well?
They have for over a hundred years. Oh, wait a minute. Gas has gotten expensive, and there is concern about our planet’s health.
Let’s take a look at these issues. Why is gas expensive? It must be something to do with the fact that we are running out. Like any commodity, it becomes more valuable when an item becomes scarce. But, wait a minute, we aren’t running out of oil; we just aren’t pumping and refining it as much anymore. Why? It’s thought that burning fossil fuels harms the environment and that building batteries and solar panels in China utilizing oil, gas and coal to power these extensive Chinese facilities somehow doesn’t harm the environment.
What about the mining of lithium, nickel and rare earth materials required to create these batteries? Do you think the heavy, earth-moving equipment for these mining operations run on electricity? No, I don’t think so.
What about the disposal of these spent lithium batteries? Any potential environmental harm with tons of batteries leaching into our soil and aquifers?
When you compare electric-vehicle pollution to gas-vehicle pollution it is without question that an electric car is much more harmful to our environment than a gas car when considering the manufacturing process. So, the notion that driving an EV is somehow saving the planet is ludicrous. Do the powers that be believe the human race controls climate change?
When the great ice ages occurred millions of years ago with virtually no humans roaming the Earth, it makes you think just how small and insignificant our activities are to the Earth’s atmosphere. The world will do what it will do with or without our participation or intervention. The entire climate change causation by burning fossil fuels is a hoax, and the sooner we accept that, the sooner we will be able to go on with regular business and our productive lives. They already know that fossil fuels don’t affect climate; they want you to believe it does, so they say it repeatedly.
The independent foundation Climate Intelligence, known as (CLINTEL), with over a thousand scientists worldwide participating in a statement, states, “CO2 is not a pollutant.” Then, why is our government so hell-bent on getting rid of gasoline-powered cars? I’ll give you a little hint, Control. Unlike your everyday gas guzzler, EVs are controllable. Their short range keeps the populace from traveling far; most importantly, they can shut your car off whenever they want.
Several states are already controlling home thermostats; soon, they will control your car. The only reason to buy an electric car or truck today is to eliminate the added expense of gas, oil changes and routine maintenance or, simply, the shared interest in this technology.
Keep in mind where the electricity comes from to power your EV: oil, natural gas and coal; very little comes from so-called renewables. I believe EVs are terrific for many situations, just not all, and don’t assume you are driving one to save the planet. And remember, electricity isn’t free and will get much more expensive as time goes on.
The opinions expressed above belong solely to the author and do not represent the views of the Boulder City Review. They have been edited solely for grammar, spelling and style, and have not been checked for accuracy of the viewpoints
G. Kevin Savord is currently a professional pilot and former small business owner. He can be reached at gksavord@gmail.com.