Through opinions, actions we make a difference

When I became editor of the Boulder City Review, one of my goals was to make the newspaper a go-to place for news and information about events throughout Boulder City. I wanted people to look at the paper as a friend, a place where they could get and share news and stories — good and bad — about things that mattered to them.

It was my hope that our articles would make people think and get involved.

Although we may not be perfect or please everyone, we are trying. And making progress. The past few week’s collections of letters to the editor are proof of that.

People care about our community. They, too, want to make a difference.

Through their letters they are expressing their opinions and making others aware of issues they may not have known about. They are doing their part to make something happen.

Caring about the community and its residents is more than just putting a few words on paper. It’s also about doing.

No matter how large or small the effort, doing something makes a difference.

Take, for example, 9-year-old Kiley Flowers (see story on page 10). When she learned that a fellow student at King Elementary School needed a heart transplant — even though she had never met Madison Elizondo — she took it upon herself to boost the fundraising efforts that were taking place at school.

She brought her fundraising efforts to this weekend’s Best Dam Barbecue Challenge, put on every year by the Rotary Club of Boulder City. She, along with her family and a few friends, sought donations for the Elizondo family by selling red bracelets emblazoned with the words “Madison’s Heart.”

The festival itself is a making a difference for the community. Not only did it provide two days of entertainment for residents, it is the primary fundraiser for the Rotary Club, which returns its proceeds to the community through donations to different programs and activities. On average, the club donates $10,000 to the community from money raised at the event, according to President Christy Springgate-Hill.

Throughout the weekend, those attending the barbecue challenge were able to see the Rotary Club in action. Six checks were presented to organizations and programs such as Boulder City Library, Boulder City High School’s wrestling team and Every 15 Minutes.

This month also brought the Spring Jamboree presented by the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce and the Boulder City Hospital Foundation’s Heart of the Community Gala. Although vastly different, the two events have a common goal: to make Boulder City a great place to live and maintain the quality of life that exists here.

As fundraisers for those two organizations, they provide the necessary finances to ensure they continue to operate, literally a matter of life and death for those who use the hospital.

For the chamber, the money is crucial to underwrite the programs that boost area businesses to support the economy and bring in necessary tourism dollars, as well as provide entertainment for community residents (think Damboree and Christmas parades).

I also saw how people want to make a difference by learning about the community and the issues affecting it. Earlier this month about 50 residents came to hear the three candidates running for City Council address those issues and answer questions.

Then, after the formal presentation, they stopped to talk with the candidates and get to know them better.

Having a say in who represents you certainly makes a difference.

Whether individually or as part of an organization or by supporting an event, every little action counts. Together, we can make it happen.

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