Now that you have enjoyed your Thanksgiving dinner, shopped all the Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday sales, and polished off the leftovers, it’s time to let the holiday celebration begin in earnest.
The festivities in Boulder City kick off tonight with the Luminaria and Las Posadas, followed on Friday by the lighting of the Christmas tree in Frank Crowe Park, as well as the “house on Fifth Street,” on Friday and Dance Etc.’s extravaganza.
Saturday is packed with holiday special events, from Santa’s Picture Party, the Santa Train and the Doodlebug Bazaar to Santa’s Electric Night Parade and the Christmas Parade of Lights on Lake Mead.
But it doesn’t stop there. Throughout the next week or so are other holiday events and traditions including the Pajama Train at the Nevada Southern Railway, American Association of University Women’s annual Home Tour, the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce’s Ugly Sweater Wine Walk, Red Mountain Music Co.’s concert and Wreaths Across America.
No matter what your preference — or taste — is in how to celebrate the season, there’s bound to be something that appeals to you.
And that is why we have created this Taste of the Holidays issue, filled with stories and photographs about the events and people who make Christmastime so much fun.
This year, we also debuted our Christmas Cookie Contest, which helped inspire the theme of our special edition. It was a great success with 11 entries. The winning recipes are featured on Page 10.
Our office was filled with delicious smells as plate by plate of Christmas cookies were delivered.
We had a hard time determining the winner. The point difference between all the entries was minimal and any of them could have easily won, but Pania Carver’s eggnog cookies just tasted like the holidays to us.
One thing is certain, Boulder City has some great bakers. We are definitely looking forward to next year’s contest and may even expand it to include holiday confections.
Please try any of the three winning recipes. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.
There are so many things that make our small-town celebration such a big deal that undoubtedly we have missed one or two. For that, I apologize in advance and ask that you send in notices of your special event next year.
We hope to create a new tradition each year by continuing to highlight the holiday events in town and sharing award-winning recipes.
We hope you enjoy this special Taste of the Holidays edition.
Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.