New look debuts today

Today’s edition of the Boulder City Review may have had you taking a second look this morning.

A new design made its debut today.

Most notably, the new look involves changes to the size of the type and the spacing between lines. It’s a bit larger in both instances and should make the articles easier to read.

There also were a few changes in the headline type and the addition of some design elements and labels. These changes were made with the goal of making it easier for you to find the news you are looking for.

The changes were the result of research with newspaper readers to find the most readable fonts, type styles and design elements.

We realize change is not always easy, but it is our hope that you like them.

But there is more to this change than just the look of the paper. We are taking a serious look at the articles and features inside the pages of the Boulder City Review.

While news about what happens in Boulder City and what affects its residents will remain our primary focus, we know there are many stories about the people that make this city so special that we also need to tell.

We want to make the Boulder City Review your go-to source of information.

As such, we are in the process of creating a calendar of special events, activities and entertainment at local establishments and in community parks and facilities. It’s similar to our Community Briefs, but in an easier to use format.

It should make its debut in the near future.

In the meantime, if you know of something happening, please send all the details — 10 days in advance, if possible — to

Along those same lines, we want to make this your Boulder City Review. One way we hope to accomplish that is by introducing features such as “Being Boulder,” a place where you can share photos and stories about your life and what it is like to be a resident of Boulder City.

Additionally, we are now forming a reader advisory panel. The panel will feature six to eight Boulder City residents who will meet at least four times a year to offer their opinions — good or bad — about the paper. They will offer suggestions about what type of features they would like to see inside the pages of the Boulder City Review, as well as their thoughts on what is currently printed.

We’re still working out all the details, but if you are interested, please send your name and phone number to me at, along with what day of the week and time you would be available to meet.

And, if you have any thoughts on the changes in today’s paper, please email them to me.

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