I have been asked to compose a few words of remembrance. It is at once both an unwanted yet an honorable chore. I now find this among the most difficult tasks I have ever been assigned.
Tom Clements’ unexpected and untimely passing has hurt me deeply. Not only was he my friend, he was also a very real friend of our city. His fierce devotion to our town and his wish for it to achieve its best will be sorely missed and difficult to replace.
Clements was a retired engineer who had no conflicts of interest, no business interests or real estate connections. He brought his intelligence, research skills and passion for Boulder City and its history, an amazing sense of community and forward thinking about safe and sane development for our city’s future to his all-too-short tenure on the Boulder City Planning Commission. Clements also volunteered at the Senior Center of Boulder City and was the chairman of the citizens ad hoc utility committee.
Clements was the grandson of Tom and Erma Godbey, original 31ers. That family’s roots were established in the blood, sweat and tears that built Hoover Dam and our unique and wonderful community of Boulder City.
On a personal note, Clements worked hard to support my council campaign and afterward was frequently my “partner” at Saturday afternoon discussions over coffee. His ideas and comments were always measured and thoughtful.
Although he did not wear his religion on his sleeve, I knew he was a man who through his faith found both direction and comfort in dealing with life and had many times expressed concern for those who found their own life full of tribulations. He frequently reminded me that the first citizens of Boulder City were indeed the homeless and downtrodden. Today, many find this fact convenient to forget.
Clements was unpretentious. He never sought the limelight; rather, he preferred to cast a bright light on that which was truly important and deserving. Clements was the genuine article, a scholar and a gentleman. His kind heart and strong intellect are sorely missed.
Boulder City has lost a friend.
I have lost a friend.
Warren Harhay is a Boulder City councilman.