The Boulder City community will have an opportunity to weigh in on a new road for the proposed expansion of the Nevada State Railroad Museum at a public meeting this afternoon.
The museum, at 601 Yucca St., is planning to expand its facility to include a 9,700-square-foot visitors center, new boarding platforms, display buildings, linear park with interactive features for children and links to the River Mountains Loop Trail. A new access road behind Boulder City Parkway is needed for the expansion. In November, City Council approved having LGA Architecture design it.
“We will be presenting the updated street layout and will be able to discuss with the adjacent property owners what type of access we may be able to provide to their property, i.e. driveway, pedestrian ramp or steps, now that we have a better idea of the grades for the new roadway,” said Jim Keane, city engineer. “We’ll also be asking for the public’s input. We’ve done our best to incorporate comments received from the last public meeting.”
The meeting is today from 4-5:30 p.m. It is being held at Vinny’s Pizzeria, 1312 Boulder City Parkway. All those who attend must wear a mask and practice social distancing during the meeting.
The contract with LGA Architecture is $239,700, and it is covered by the $500,000 provided by the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada.
Contact reporter Celia Shortt Goodyear at cgoodyear@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9401. Follow her on Twitter @csgoodyear.