Sharp-eyed residents of the Golf Course Estates area and anyone passing Veterans’ Memorial Park via Buchanan Boulevard may have noticed the trees at the Broadmoor Circle median have a distinctly “metal” look.
For decades, the circular drive not far from the Boulder City BMX and the Skatepark featured two large palm trees. But that has changed due to a recent water-based emergency.
“The circle island median on Broadmoor Circle at Buchanan Boulevard had the palm trees suddenly removed due to an emergency water leak repair,” reported City Manager Taylour Tedder. “The water leak in the plastic water service was directly under the island. The water line was repaired and eventually replaced with copper.”
In addition to the leak, crews found additional concerning developments underground. The roots of the two palms, which had been planted directly above both the water and sewer main lines, had exerted downward pressure on the sewer line causing what was described by city staff as a “low spot” that had the potential to cause future issues.
“Both palms were planted directly above the water and sewer mains and, unfortunately, had to be removed to replace the lines and prevent further damage,” Tedder continued. “City staff developed a landscape plan to renovate the median.”
The design includes a pair of steel palm trees surrounded by kidney-shaped artificial turf at the base of the steel trees with paver curbing. Also included are a quartet of decorative “angular” boulders. The artificial turf does not cover the entire island. Instead a substantial area between the newly installed pavers and the existing curbing of the island has been filled with Vista gold-colored decomposed granite. Solar accent lighting is also included, resulting in no water or energy use in the median.
“In our efforts to conserve our most precious resource, water, we developed a smart-scaping project resulting in no irrigation use at this location,” Tedder said.