Seen on Scene

Lois Greenwald and her daughter Deena Greenwald attended the Women in Black protest against violence Friday, Aug. 26, 2016. Hunter Terry/Boulder City Review

Patty Jacobson participated in the “Women in Black” protest against violence Friday, Aug. 26, 2016. The protests will be held the fourth Friday on every month. Hunter Terry/Boulder City Review

Kay Benge protested violence as a member of the Women in Black in downtown Boulder City Friday, Aug. 26, 2016

Heather Gaylord, left, and Shirley Putz.

Heather Gaylord, left, and Shirley Putz protested violence as part of the Women in Black on Friday Aug. 26, 2016, in downtown Boulder City. Hunter Terry/Boulder City Review

Women in Black protested to raise awareness about global violence, Friday Aug. 26 in downtown Boulder City. The group plans to protest the fourth Friday of every month going forward.



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