Celebrate all that makes city special

It’s finally here — that day of the year where you have to tell yourself “If I haven’t bought it yet, it’s not happening this year. I I was going to send that card — nope. And most of all, how am I going to get out of hugging and visiting all those annoying relatives?”

With all the preparing for and cleaning up after that goes on every year, we often don’t take even a minute to sit down and just breathe in the essence of the season.

On behalf of the men and women of the Boulder City Police Department, I would like to extend our thank you for all your help and support this year. We live in a beautiful town with wonderful people and count ourselves very lucky. We aren’t an island unto ourselves, and we still have crime, but we appreciate all of you who make an extra effort to be a good witness, call with suspicious situations, clear your homes of easy access areas, provide us moral support, volunteer, donate goods or services to the animal shelter, and too many other things to list them all.

We don’t live or work in the major metropolis areas by choice. We want to know the majority of you on sight.

Thank you from the bottom of our boots for making this a wonderful place to live and work.

Happy holidays. Merry Christmas. Cheery ho ho, or whatever your preferred greeting may be. We love Boulder City.

— Tina Ransom is a dispatcher with Boulder City Police Department. She is coordinator of the Boulder City Citizen’s Academy.

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