Oct. 16, 9:38 a.m.
A man reported a gray car parked at the north end of a parking lot with a sleeping bag in the front seat and soup cans sitting outside of it. He said he thought someone was camping there and this was not the first time it has been reported.
Oct. 16, 12:37 p.m.
Officers received a report of two male subjects walking in a parking lot who looked to be casing the property. They located the men and learned they were waiting for their boss to pick them up.
Oct. 16, 5 p.m.
A neighbor called to report that a teenager was continually driving recklessly through the neighborhood. The neighbor refused to sign a compliant, but officers spoke with the owner of the vehicle who said he would be more careful driving through the neighborhood.
Oct. 17, 10:19 a.m.
Officers received a report of numerous fifth-wheel trailers, RVs, trucks and trailers parked along Industrial Road and, in many cases, blocking the view of drivers who were trying to enter and exit the road. The caller did not need officer contact and wanted them to make note of the situation and advise the owners about storing large vehicles.
Oct. 17, 4:25 p.m.
A caller reported that a group of teenagers said they were going to smoke weed and were near the playground area at the library.
Oct. 17, 7:52 p.m.
Officers received a report of a large pile of rocks that was a traffic hazard. They determined that a landscaping company had dropped it off and would move it in the morning.
Oct. 18, 3:02 p.m.
Officers received a report of a woman who was rolling around in the dirt. The caller did not know what was wrong with the woman and she would not respond. Officers found the woman but she refused medical attention.
Oct. 18, 4:57 p.m.
A man called the police and said nine kids with metal poles were destroying property at the library. They were currently behind the library and cursing out patrons and acting irrationally. Officers responded and saw no damage there. Extra patrol was requested.
Oct. 19, 11:54 a.m.
Officers received a report that a woman had urinated on a building the night before and the owner wanted her trespassed.
Oct. 19, 11:38 p.m.
Officers received a report that Jimmy Buffett music was playing loudly above a bar and the caller wanted it turned down.
Oct. 20, 12:07 a.m.
A woman called the police and said her ex-boyfriend moved her semitruck and was intoxicated. She said he was also driving around the area in a golf cart. Officers responded and looked for the golf cart and the man driving it. They could not find him; the woman said she would call back if anything else happens that night. Almost 8½ hours later, officers received another call about the man, who appeared to be drunk and roaming around on golf cart. Officers responded and located the man, who was hiding behind bushes and running from them. He was not complying with their demands.
Oct. 20, 11:11 a.m.
Officers received a report that a car show at Veterans’ Memorial Park was blasting rap music with curse words and inappropriate language. The caller was at the splash pad with family and she wanted to know if “someone could influence the car show people toward having appropriate family music.” They advised her that an officer would come by when available but it was unknown if they could influence what type of music was played. Fifteen minutes later officers received a second complaint about the loud rap music.
Oct. 20, 5:47 p.m.
A caller reported that a white light arcing from the Eldorado substation was visible from U.S. Highway 93 and there was smoke. Officers talked to some employees there who said no one had seen any fires.
Oct. 21, 1:45 p.m.
Officers received a report of people chasing sheep up a hill. When they arrived, there were no sheep visible in the park and people were flying kites and walking around.
Oct. 22, 12:02 a.m.
Officers received a report that someone was inside a jewelry store and all the lights were on. They investigated and said they thought the person may actually be a mannequin and would check the area.