July 9, 7:23 a.m.
Officers received a report of a 3½-foot-long rattlesnake coiled up on someone’s porch. The person had thrown a bag of trash on it. Animal control responded and found the snake was under the house and there was no access to get to it. The homeowner was advised to call back if it came out.
July 9, 11:46 a.m.
Officers received a report that a transformer in an alley was on fire with flames coming out of it. Within 12 minutes the fire on the ground had been extinguished. Officers said they were waiting for the electrical department before water was put on the rest of the fire. Approximately 25 minutes after the call the fire was out.
July 9, 7 p.m.
A woman called the police and said a man was lying down behind her car and she was trying to leave.
July 9, 11:59 p.m.
Officers received a report of someone hitting another person with a bat. They responded and determined a woman had hit a man in the head with the bat. Both of them refused to make voluntary statements. When the woman was taken into custody she took a bunch of toilet paper and put it in the toilet.
July 10, 8:30 a.m.
Officers received a report of a man and woman living at the cemetery for a couple days. It looked like they were trying to break into the maintenance shed or take a shower. Officers responded and determined the couple had just used the hose. They said they were visiting family members and were on their way to Henderson Hospital.
July 10, 1:56 p.m.
Someone called the police and said a man with a hat and a wagon was following children down Fifth Street and yelling at them. Officers found the children who said the man had been yelling at himself, not them. He was warned to keep it down. He said he was on his way to Henderson and mad about his friend dying.
July 10, 11:40 p.m.
A woman called the police and said she saw smoke in the alley behind her house. The subjects refused the fire call and said they would it put it out themselves.
July 11, 3:41 p.m.
Officers received a report of someone at the gun club being hit in the chest area with a ricochet bullet. They responded, and the range master told them the man had possibly been hit by a piece of metal that came off of one of the targets.
July 11, 11:18 p.m.
Someone called the police and said there were multiple juveniles at the park who where banging on equipment and making a lot of noise. Officers responded and warned them about park hours and illegal parking.
July 13, 9:35 a.m.
Officers received a report of a large group of people who appeared to be conducting a class with four or five puppies. Animal Control responded and determined it was a French Bulldog breeder. She was asked to relocate the puppies.
July 14, 12 a.m.
A woman called the police and said she heard one gunshot from across the street.
July 14, 9:59 a.m.
Officers received a report of an older sheep that was under a tree at the park. The caller said the sheep had been alone for several hours. Officers contacted the Nevada Department of Wildlife, which said no one would be coming out since there was no obvious injury to the sheep. It should just be left alone.
July 14, 8:11 p.m.
A man called the police and said he had taken some mushrooms about two hours before and was now feeling ill. He was in Frank Crowe Park near the big tree with the Christmas lights.