Police Blotter, Feb. 7

Jan. 29, 7:22 a.m.

Officers received a report that a 13-year-old male had put holes in the wall and was refusing to go to school. The boy was advised to get dressed and go to school. Officers also told him that if he continued to punch holes in the wall, he would go to a juvenile detention center.

Jan. 30, 11:47 a.m.

A woman called the police and said a man was standing outside her door and said she thought it was someone who her boss, who has been threatening her, had sent over to harm her.

Jan. 30, 1:23 p.m.

Someone called dispatch to ask questions about an air conditioner recently installed by a neighbor that runs too late at night.

Jan. 30, 10:37 p.m.

A man called the police and said his 16-year-old son was not at home. He said his son came home and urinated in the back yard and then ran off. Officers checked back in the morning and the son was there getting ready for school.

Feb. 1, 5:07 a.m.

Officers received a report of an attempted home invasion. The caller said someone broke a window, which woke up the homeowner. The suspect was last seen running away. Upon investigation, officers found out the suspect had used a cinder block to break the window. No fingerprints were left at the scene.

Feb. 1, 12:46 p.m.

Officers received a report of someone coming into a business two days in a row and cashing two fraudulent checks for a total of more than $5,000.

Feb. 1, 11:56 p.m.

Officers responded to call about suspicious behavior. A man was loading his belongings into a port-a-potty.

Feb. 2, 1:58 p.m.

A man called the police and said he wanted to talk to officers about his neighbors who keep bothering him. He threatened to go over there himself because of the noise they were making. Almost 30 minutes later, officers were notified that the caller went to bed.

Feb. 3, 10:40 a.m.

Officers received a report of a dog lying down near a hole at the golf course. The caller said the dog may be injured. They investigated and talked to dog’s owner who said it was not injured just old. They also spoke with the golf club employees who said the dog was welcome and comes every day.

Feb. 3, 1:03 p.m.

Officers received a report that on two separate visits to a park there was urine at the bottom of the slide. The caller requested extra patrol in hopes of stopping the person.

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