March 28, 11:57 p.m.
Officers received a call from a person concerned about an elderly neighbor. The caller said no lights were on in the house and the garage door is open. Upon contacting the neighbor, the man thanked officers for advising him that he left the garage open.
March 29, 6:51 a.m.
A caller reports two disheveled-looking people sitting on the curb across the street. The caller said he will be texting his neighbor to see if he knows who the suspects are. They were gone when officers arrived on scene.
March 29, 8:12 a.m.
A person came into the police department to report a telephone scam. The woman said the caller told her to send $300 and gave her an address in Delta, Colorado. The callers identified themselves as James Jefferson and Robert and gave several phone numbers. The woman said she knew it was a scam and wanted the information on file.
March 29, 11:21 a.m.
A caller said a blue station wagon had been blocking the driveway for more than two weeks. The vehicle ‘s owner said it would be moved within 24 hours.
March 29, 8:31 p.m.
A person called to report that a dog has been barking for three days, is losing its voice and believes it has not been able to go inside the house. Officers found no one home and there didn’t appear to be any food or water for the dog. Animal control was contacted.
March 30, 7:44 a.m.
Officers received a report about a man on a child’s bike using a hanger trying to gain access to a white car near the municipal pool. Upon contacting the man, officers learned it was his vehicle he was trying to get into.
March 30, 11:07 a.m.
Officers stopped a car for improper driving when the driver attempted to go straight when in a turn lane at the corner of Boulder City Parkway and Buchanan Boulevard. The polite driver explained they were tourists trying to get to Lake Mead.
March 31, 12:03 a.m.
Officers received a report of a gunshot and what sounded like two men arguing. The caller said she did not see anything as she ran back inside her apartment after hearing the noice. Officers contacted several others in the area to check if they heard anything, but no one did.
March 31, 8:06 a.m.
A woman called to report that suspects might have been in her home after seeing them run through sliding glass doors. Nothing was damaged or appeared to have been taken.
March 31, 3:49 p.m.
Officers received a call about an argument between a male and a female, with the male holding the phone away from the female so she could not call the police. Upon contacting them, the man said he was arguing with his daughter about a phone payment. She agreed to stay with a friend for the night after being advised both could be arrested for disorderly conduct.
April 1, 4:40 a.m.
Officers were flagged down by a person who found a wallet. The finder had tried to call the owner, but the call went straight to voicemail. Officers traveled to the address found inside and the wallet was returned to the owner.
April 1, 7:32 a.m.
A man reported that new landscaping and plants were torn out of the ground and tossed on the sidewalk in front of his home. They were going to check if video of the overnight incident was available.
April 1, 7:36 a.m.
A person called to report a rattlesnake was inside the dining room. Three minutes later the person called back to say a caretaker was able to get the snake outside.
April 1, 7:08 p.m.
A person reported that about $500 worth of tools had been taken from a truck and they have video.
April 2, 2:17 p.m.
Officers received a report about a man who smelled like alcohol and was stumbling who got into a silver GMC Suburban and drove off.
April 2, 4:24 p.m.
A person came into the police department to report that a 2001 silver Chevrolet S10 with a camper shell had been stolen. The keys to the vehicle had been given to a co-worker earlier that day but the suspect never returned with the truck.
April 3, 5:41 p.m.
Officers received a report about a man in white shorts and tennis shoes walking on Birch Street while wearing a mask.