Dec. 19, 8:21 p.m.
A man called and said his girlfriend was on drugs and took off in his car. He mentioned that she said she wanted to kill herself. He was upset because both she and his car were gone. He said that she had been making the statement about wanting to kill herself for weeks as well as that morning. Upon arrival, officers determined that he had no other details or way to find his girlfriend and was mostly concerned about getting his car back, and they would attempt to locate both.
Dec. 20, 8:56 a.m.
Officers received a report that a man wearing multiple coats was running around in traffic and flipping off a city employee. Approximately eight minutes later another city employee called and said that the subject was “air” shooting at people. Officers detained the subject.
Dec. 20, 12:45 p.m.
Officers responded to the report of a white Honda Fit that had been driving around a community for hours. It would stop at each house and park for awhile before moving on. The caller wanted it checked out. Upon investigation, the officer determined it was a parent teaching their son how to drive a stick shift on hills.
Dec. 20, 3:58 p.m.
Officers received a report of a man in a dark green Jeep Cherokee who was buckling his seat and drinking a beer while he was in the parking lot. He then drove onto Nevada Highway toward Henderson. The caller was following him. The subject headed out of town, and the police department passed the information about him onto Nevada Highway Patrol.
Dec. 20, 9:09 p.m.
A woman called and said that she thought someone had broken into her house. Upon arrival, officers found the incident had occurred sometime in the past four hours. The woman came home and said that a 15-pound weight appeared to have been thrown through a glass window. She also said that her bedroom light was on, and she knew she had turned it off when she left earlier at 5 p.m. Two guns were then determined to be missing.
Dec. 21, 10:19 a.m.
A woman from Las Vegas called and said that she had received information that her stolen vehicle was found in Boulder City. She said it was on a curb with the doors left open. It had been reported out of Metropolitan Police Department’s jurisdiction. She said that she was available to come get the car if was drivable. Upon investigation officers were unable to locate the vehicle.
Dec. 21, 10:34 a.m.
A man called and said this his ex-girlfriend was attempting to break into his vehicle while holding their baby in her arms. He said that she had “gone crazy” and that there were no weapons present. Approximately 40 minutes later, both parties denied anything physical happened and said that they would be contacting to their attorneys.
Dec. 21, 6:08 p.m.
Officers received a report that a substantial amount of narcotics were missing. The caller suspected that there was a possible drug diversion and/or employees stealing drugs and wanted to speak with an officer and a file a report.
Dec. 22, 2:48 p.m.
Officers responded to a report of a juvenile brandishing two knives and threatening other juveniles. Upon arrival, officers found the juvenile threatening three juvenile witnesses with the knife. He was detained and taken to Henderson’s juvenile detention center.
Dec. 23, 6:34 p.m.
The fire department responded to the call of a fire in a trailer that was spreading. Four minutes later the police arrived on scene and found the trailer fully engulfed and the fire spreading to the roof of the house next to it. The fire department had water on the fire six minutes after the call. Almost an hour and a half later, the fire department got through to the electrical department to turn off the electricity. The electrical department gave an ETA of 30 minutes at that time.
Dec. 24, 7:06 p.m.
Officers received a report of three bikes stolen from the front yard of a residence. The owners were unsure when the bikes were taken. They said they were gone when they returned home.
Dec. 25, 1:55 p.m.
Officers received a call of man, who was possibly intoxicated, trying to break into a home. Two men came out of the home, and the homeowner punched the suspect. Upon arrival, officers dropped the suspect off at his parents’ home, and he declined medical.