Nov. 7, 10:04 p.m.
Officers received a report of a white 70-year-old man wearing a cowboy hat and walking with a walker. He was trying to sleep next to a building. The man would not give his name to the officers, said he had a heart issue and was refusing medical. He said he wanted to get on the bus to Las Vegas and go home.
Nov. 8, 9:11 a.m.
Officers responded to a report of an aggressive black dog that had attacked a postman. The dog was secured in the yard, and the owner was contacted and cleared with a warning.
Nov. 8, 11:19 a.m.
A caller reported that there had been “ongoing noise for days” that also shook her house. Officers advised her to check with the homeowners association because it sounded like the air-conditioning unit in the upper unit was vibrating. The owner of that unit said he would check his air-conditioning unit.
Nov. 8, 12:11 p.m.
A caller reported that a woman was screaming and chasing the maintenance man around the apartment building.
Nov. 9, 8:43 p.m.
Officers gave a juvenile, who was driving the mother’s van, a written warning for an expired registration and advised the driver to inform the mom of the expiration.
Nov. 9, 12:42 p.m.
A caller reported that there was a rattlesnake in the garage. The caller and the “bug lady” would be inside the house when the officers arrived.
Nov. 9, 5:18 p.m.
A woman called the police station and said that a man had approached her in the laundry room and was holding a gun. The man said that he never pointed a gun at the woman but that he did have it “in the air.” The gun was reported to be black and looked like ones that police used. Officers also found out he was jealous because the woman was spending time with another man.
Nov. 10, 8:40 a.m.
Officers responded to reports of a white woman yelling at something. Officers observed her yelling and talking at no one. She said that she was venting. She also said that she was homeless and had been coming to Boulder City for emergency aid for more than a month. Officers advised her not to yell anymore.
Nov. 10, 5:22 p.m.
A caller reported that the neighbors had kids running around and things bouncing off the walls for hours and requested an officer to intervene.
Nov. 10, 8:29 p.m.
A man called and said that he had slammed his finger in a car door and severed it. The people in the car drove away, but he said that he was able to get a hold of them, and they were driving back with his finger.
Nov. 11, 6:19 a.m.
A man called again to complain about someone in a black pickup truck who “blasts his train horn as he leaves work.” He said that he would take care of it if the police didn’t do their jobs. He also threatened physical violence against the truck driver as he has no time to take him to court because his wife is terminally ill and he takes care of her. He said again that he just wanted the police to do their jobs.
Nov. 12, 8:05 p.m.
Officers responded to a report of a man armed with possibly brass knuckles and a knife who was part of a loud disturbance. Upon investigation, officers found he had punched a 49-year-old man in the face.
Nov. 12, 9:21 a.m.
Officers received a report of people sleeping in a tunnel behind a building. They had clothes, a wash bucket and a microwave. The caller wanted them trespassed.
Nov. 12, 5:12 p.m.
Officers received numerous reports of power outages in the Monterra, Cottonwood and Briarstone areas. Approximately 50 minutes later, power was restored.
Nov. 13, 9:27 p.m.
A man called the police department and said he thought someone was poisoning him. He told officers that “Mississippi,” the person from whom he had bought illegal drugs, may have laced them with something. The officer told him that the information would be passed on to detectives.
Nov. 14, 2:14 a.m.
Officers received reports of a possible bonfire near Arizona Street. Upon investigation, officers saw the fire and pursued the subjects. They found one subject to be intoxicated. He picked up boxes and beer cans and put them in the back of his vehicle in lieu of a citation after calling Uber for a ride. The fire department also responded to the call.